Chapter 58 - Cannon

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Madison POV:

After hearing Stilies voice and knowing my baby girl is real I haven't stop crying. I decided to stay behind while the others go to cannon. Am currently at the police station with Parrish, I brought him and the sheriff dinner. "Is Scott having a party?" Parrish asked all of a sudden, "party? Liam! Am gonna kill him!" I yelled. Both of us went to Scott's house immediately, when I get my hand on that second hand, good for nothing beta am gonna make him cry.

The music is blasting but when we entered no one was dance, Manson, Corey, Hayden, and another chick stood behind mountain ash. While everyone else is bundle up in a corner, I don't get how am seeing a ghost rider. But I'll take a wild guess and say Corey did it, "put your hands in the air!" Parrish yelled at one of them. It look between Parrish and I and walked away, "everyone out!" I yelled. They ran out of the house, "where's the girl your supposed to protect?" I asked them.

"She left with the other kids when you yelled" Hayden said, "OK, leave" I told him. As they walked passed me I grab Liam's collar, "not so fast baby beta, your staying and cleaning all of this up" I told him. "We could help" Mason offered, "nope, he'll be doing it on his own, good night" I told them. They left and I watch Liam clean the house, even parts that weren't dirty, end up spot less.

Scott POV:

We arrived in cannon but it deserted, no one's here, "why would Stilies send us here?" Malia asked. "I don't know let's find out" I said, we split up to cover more grounds. But then I  saw Alison, "Alison?" I asked in disbelief, "it's your fault am dead" then she shot me. The arrow went though my shoulder, I tried to pull it out but it wouldn't come out. "SCOTT!" I heard Lydia screamed, she was now in front of me, I looked at my shoulder and there was no arrow.

"I thought..." I trailed off, "I know it was an illusion, let's go find Malia" she said. We walk around shouting Malia's name but no answer. Then we saw her on the ground, "MALIA!" Lydia screamed her name. "There was -" gco, "we know it wasn't real, let's go" Lydia told her. I heard her Malia's phone go off indicating that she got a text. "Madison says she bored" Malia said after a while, "she should have just came with us" Lydia said.

"Do you guys see that little boy or is it an illusion?" Malia asked, we all look to where she points. "Am seeing him" Lydia said, then the kid ran off so we ran after him. He enter a house so we went after him, the second we entered the door shut behind us. There was no sign of the kid, "oh we have guest Caleb will be so happy" this old lady said coming into the room. "I'll get you something to drink, am Lenore" she said and went into the kitchen.

She brought back three dirty glass full of lemonade, "we have to get going" Malia said. We all got up to leave but the door wouldn't open, "Scott you have super strength open the door" Lydia said. "Am trying it won't open" I told her, "open the door!" Malia yelled at Lenore with her claws extended. "Stay and play with Caleb" Lenore said and there stood the boy beside us. Lydia gave Malia and I look that said 'go, I'll talk to Lenore' so went went with Caleb into the basement.

Caleb sat on the floor watching a video, tried to listen for Lydia but couldn't here her. "Let's get out of here" Malia said, we went up the stairs but the door wouldn't open. So we went beside Caleb, "Caleb, can you tell us a way out of here?" I asked him gently. "Mother says you can't leave" he answer back, "we are leaving" Malia said, she extended her claws and moved towards him. "You'll die like how I die" Caleb said, out of nowhere Malia began to throw up water.

"What are you doing to her?" I asked, "she's drowning" he answer. I made an advancement towards him but ended in the same situation as Malia. A few minutes later the door swing open, "mother says you can leave now" he said. I grab Malia and hand drag her the hell out of there, we met up with Lydia outside. "You don't have to stay Lenore, you know Caleb isn't real, you can come with us" Lydia told her. "I couldn't leave Caleb" Lenore answered, then we left before anything else happens.

On the drive back to Becan Hills Malia asked "what was the purpose of going to cannon?" I would like know too. "Lenore is a banshee like me, Stilies send us there to warn us" Lydia said. "Becan hills is going to end us like cannon" I said catching on to what Lydia is saying. "Yeah, everyone will be taken, leaving me, the banshee" Lydia said. The drive back to Becan Hills was quite, when we got back we all went home. To my surprise when I entered my house its spot less, then I saw a note on the fridge.

Your stupid ass second hand good for nothing beta threw a party to protect Gwen. Smh, I made him clean it spot less all by his self with no weir wolf powers. So be thankful for me, annnnnnd Corey made the wild hunt visible so now we have another problem. Goodnight sweet dreams, don't get taken cause I ain't look for you

🙈🙈🙈 your number #1 beta - Madison

Oh god Madison is something else, guess we'll just have to deal with everything else in the morning.

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