Chapter 23 - Malia

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Scott POV:

We went to the clinic to see if Dean has anything that can save Malia, he gave us three vile that would knock her out in seconds. Issac kept on saying negative things and Stilies got fed up with him. "Maybe am the only one who is willing to asked the question that is needed to be asked, how are going to change a girl from a weir coyote back to a girl who hasn't been a girl in eight years?" Isaac asked.

"I'll do it, Peter did it to me when he was an alpha and so did Deucalion", I told them. "Remember Scott she is a coyote not a wolf" dean said, "we need a really alpha", Stilies said. I gave him a 'what the fuck?' Look, "I dont mean it like that, I mean an alpha that can get it working and alpha that can do alpha stuff an alpha that can get it........" He trailed off. "Up?" Issac asked, "great am an alpha with performance issues", I said.

"What about the twins?" Stilies asked, "they aren't alphas anymore, after what Madison did to them almost killing them, took it away", dean said. "Plus no one has seen them in weeks", Issac said, "actually that's not true" Stilies said. Madison and Lydia!
Lydia POV:

"I called Madison but she isn't picking up, but they said they'll meet us here", I told Scott and Stilies. We are at Derek place, we walked in but I didn't see them, but then Stilies and I saw them attacking Scott. My phone rang, its a video call from Madison "where are you?" I asked. "Unreachable, now let me see the damn fight, Ethan told me", she said. So I turned the camera to them, "wow, is it just me are Ethan just look so damn sexier?" She asked.

They kept on fighting, until Scott started to bleed, then Ethan roar, "make sure you roar like that in bed Ethan!" Madison screamed. Ethan face my phone and smirked "I didn't need to hear that", Stilies said.

"This is your idea? beat me until I roar?" Scott asked, "your afraid, you can't be afraid Scott, let it take over this is how Deucalion teach us", Aiden told him. "You know I tried something like this with a heart monitor and lacrosse balls, but beating him up is a lot better", Stilies said sarcastically.

"That's your plan? To kick my ass?" Scott asked, "yeah, then you kick our asses, then you roar", Aiden said then Ethan roar. They began to fight again and giving him a few information. Aiden threw Scott on the table and started to beat the living daylight out of him.

Ethan grab him off Scott, "what? I thought we were helping?" Aiden asked confused, "you help too much", Ethan told him. I didn't even realized that Madison hung up.
Alison POV:

"You think you can find Malia, she been in the woods pretty long?" I asked Issac. As we get my stuff (gun) together, "I got a lot of her scent that is strong", Issac told me. "Really? What is it?" I asked, "Pee", he said like it's nothing, I almost laugh.

I tried to inject the needle in the container but my hand keep shaking, "you OK?" Issac asked. It drop out of my handed so I bent to pick it up, but when I got up am in an operating room in the hospital. I see a body on the table, so I walked over to it, it's me, then I ended up being on the table.

 I see a body on the table, so I walked over to it, it's me, then I ended up being on the table

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Kate is over me, she took out my heart and said "every organ is OK", she smiled at me. I looked at all the doctors around me and realized that they are all weir wolves. They began to eat out my organs. "Alison!" I was snapped back to reality by Issac, then I realized that I have a gun in my hand pointed at him.

Stilies POV:

We all got to the woods immediately cause Mr. Tate wants to kill Malia but he doesn't know that she is the coyote. "Madison has a better shot than I do", Alison said "yeah, but she is grounded so you got to do it", Issac told her. Then we heard three gun shots, Issac, Alison and Scott ran off I tired to stop them but they didn't listen.

So I called my dad, "it took the doll again what is so important about the doll?" I asked him. "I don't know son, but stay out of the woods, it is cover with coyote traps", he told me. But I hang up and Lydia and I tries to figure out what's with it taking the doll.

We figure it out, the doll is like when you bring flowers to a grave, Malia left it there for her sister and we took it. We know where its heading so I called Scott but it went straight to voice mail. "Stilies" Lydia said, that's when I realized that her foot is in one of the coyote traps.

"Look for the instructions on the bottom", she told me "why would they put introduction on it?" I asked. "Cause animals can't read Stilies!" She yelled, I bent down, and I found it but I can't read it. "We have a problem Lydia, I can't read", I told her tears began to fall from her eyes.

"You don't need it, your smarter than it, find a way Stilies", she encouraged me. I looked at the trap and found a wheel, "OK let's do this", I turned it and Lydia pull out her foot and jump into my arms. A few seconds later we hear a load roar, "that's what am talking about!" I yelled, it's Scott.

A few hours later my dad and I brought Malia (human) home to her dad, they both cried tears of joy of seeing each other again.

Madison POV:

"Madison!" Derek yelled at me, Alison must have 'dream' again cause am holding my gun pointed at Peter. "Sorry it's a twin thing, something is happening in Becan Hills", I told them as I put down the gun. Peter I don't mind shooting at all, I check my phone and see that I have miss calls from everyone except my dad, thank god.

We walked around the house searching for something, we came up to a box, Derek tried opening it but it shock him. "Mountain ash in wood", Peter said, "someone really don't want weir wolves in it", I said smirking. Peter and Derek looked at me and at the box, "fine I'll try", I said going towards the box.

The moment I touched it my veins turn black, I can pass mountain ash, but not this much. As soon as it open I let go, my body returned to normal, we looked at Braden this time. She open it and took out a jar and handed it too Derek, then we went back to Becan Hills.

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