Chapter 11 - death and pain

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Madison POV:

Tonight is the rave and am picking out my outfit, Scott is planing on catching Jackson before he kills again. So here is my outfit-↓

My family is also hunting for the kanima too but I ditch them to be at the rave with my boyfriend, who I love very much

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My family is also hunting for the kanima too but I ditch them to be at the rave with my boyfriend, who I love very much. Ali is at the rave, so is Stilies, Scott, Derek, Issac, Erica, but Stilies out side. He is surrounding the building with mountain ash.

Matt said he had to use the bathroom and he left me there on the dance floor by myself. "Left alone I see", I heard Derek say behind me, "don't you have a mission to complete?" I asked. "Doesn't mean I can't have one dance", he said grabbing my hand, so I may or may not have had a dozen shots to drink. After a few minutes of grinding on each other, I saw Jackson.

Down he went, I began to look for Matt in my very drunken state.
Ali POV:

A few hours pass and I got a call from dad telling me to come home with Madison. But the thing is I can't find her and I know she is drunk. Last time I saw her she was dancing on the bar top with no top on, so I can't find her.

I couldn't even find Matt, I ran into Issac who help me to find her. She was pass out in the bathroom and Matt nowhere to be found. I swear to god am gonna kill him when I get my hands on him, for leaving my sister like this. When we got home I notice that my dad was down, he looked sad.

He took Maddi from me and brought her to bed, he did the same with me after he left Maddie's room.


Few days later

Ali POV:

Tonight is another full moon, Gerard has taken it upon his self to train both Maddi and I. I just feel like everyone is keeping something from me, Scott and my family except for my sister is acting weird.

I spent the night with my sister at Lydia's birthday party, but then dad called saying mom died. When I told Madison she ran off somewhere, I went straight to the hospital.

Madison POV:

I needed to find Matt, mom is dead! How the fuck did that happened?! I totally ditch my phone. I didn't see him inside the house and I didn't see Lydia either, where the fuck is everyone? Ali drove to the hospital and my bike is at home, the one place I don't want to be.

I went to walked into the woods to clear my mind, but ended up in front of the hospital.

I cries when I saw dad and Ali, exiting, "Maddi?" I heard Ali asked with tears streaming down her face

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I cries when I saw dad and Ali, exiting, "Maddi?" I heard Ali asked with tears streaming down her face. Dad pulled me into a hug with him and Ali, all I could do was cry. The one person who made me feel better after Auntie Kate's 'death' is dead.

When we got home I went straight to basement, I clean every single weapon. "Am sorry for your lost Alison", I heard grandad say behind me. I jump into his arms crying, "it's Madison, what happened? She wasn't sick! What hell happened?!" I questioned. "Derek and his pack happened", he said, "Derek kill mom?" I asked, he shake his head yes.

My blood boiled "I want Derek Hale dead!" I told him, "me too sister", Ali said behind us. "I'll see you tomorrow get some rest", he said and left us alone, I open my arms to Ali. We hugged and cried together all night long, I can't believe she is gone.

The next day Ali and I never went to school, I think Lydia have my phone, cause I left it at her house

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The next day Ali and I never went to school, I think Lydia have my phone, cause I left it at her house. Ali and I stayed in bed all day watching videos of mom when both of us were babies. "Sometimes I think it's a dream, I just want to go downstairs and see her cooking dinner", Ali cried, "I know the feeling, am gonna kill Derek Hale for killing her", I said, with my eyes glowing.

Grandad came into my room and handed me my phone, he said Lydia drop it off, I thank him and he left us alone. I had texts, and miss calls from Scott, Stilies, and Matt, I ignored them all. Ali and I ate ice-cream all day, then went to training with grandad, we can't cry all day, so we train to kill Derek soon.
Stilies POV:

"Dude neither of them are in school, I tried calling Madison she isn't answering", I told Scott about Alison and Madison. "Alison ended things with me, after what happened with their mom, none of them will talk me, its all my fault", he said. "Scott their mother tried to kill you and Derek save you, it's not your fault", I told him. I rang Madison's phone again, "what the fuck you want Stilies?!" She yelled through the phone.

"I want to say am sorry about your mom", I told her, "ask her if I can speck to Ali", Scott said. "It's fine Stilies, now leave me alone", she said, "Scott is asking if he can speck to Ali?" I asked her. "This should be good, Ali Scott wants to talk to you", I heard her tell Ali in the background. We heard something bang, "fuck!" Madison yelled, "Madison are you OK? What was that?" I asked her.

"She fucking shot me with my own gun but it hit my bullet proof vest, bye Stilies before she shoots me, in the head, and do me a favor, don't call back", she said and hang up. Damn! Scott walked off feeling hurt, we are going to the station to tell my dad that Matt is the kanima master. I didn't tell Maddi cause it would crush her, she already lost her mother and only to find out that her boyfriend is the kanima master.

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