Chapter 20 - season 3 pt 2

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Madison POV:

"Ethan that's cheating", I complained, "no am not, am just better at it, so strip", he said with a cocky smirked. So we are currently playing strip chess in my bedroom, Ali is out with Issac and dad? I have no idea where he is. I took of my shorts, since my blouse is already off, so am in my bra and pantie. Ethan is only in his pants, showing off his sexy ass chest, "why did I agree with you to play this game again?" I asked.

"You said your not going to have sex for a while, so I thought strip chess would change your mind, and you said it won't so I dear you and here we are now, horny as fuck", he explained with a smirk. I raised my eyes brow at him, and just continued the game, after a few minutes I said "check mate!" But by this Ethan was totally naked in front of me.

I bit my lip as my eyes rape his body, yes eye rape, "all you have to do is give in", he said. I shake my head no at him, but then he stood up making me see how big he his. Let's just say I was lost for words steering at his man hood, "like what you see?" He asked with a cocky smirk. I found it hard to breath, "why do you have to be soooo.........?" I trailed off, "sexy? Big? Hot? I could go on and on", he said.

"Madison! You home?!" We heard my dad yelled, Ethan dash towards my bathroom with his clothes in his hand. "Yeah dad! Am in my room!" I yelled back, trying to hold back a laugh of seeing Ethan running naked towards my bathroom. Dad came into my room, "where is Alison?" He asked, "I honestly don't know, but she is either with Issac or Lydia", I told him as I cover myself.

He shake his head and walked out of my room, Ethan entered a few seconds later saying "that was close". I smiled at him, "go home Ethan!" We heard my dad yelled from his room. I shake my head as Ethan kiss me good bye and jump out my bed room window.
Alison POV:

"When you said you wanted to hang out, I thought you meant shopping, not come to the woods" Lydia complained. "I just needed to clear my head that's all", I told her, "you have a twin why didn't you clear your head with her?" She asked. "She is busy", I said, "busy doing Ethan?" She asked smirking, "Ethan?" I asked confused. "Yeah Ethan, Aiden says Ethan has been, how do I say this? Celibate for her, but he is trying to break that with her" she told me.

Madison and Ethan?! No way! "And she did sleep with Derek" Lydia said. "Derek! Madison would never do that!" I yelled at her, she held up her hands in surrender. "Aiden said he smell Derek all over her when he and Ethan attack her that night" she told me, but I refuse to believe that. My sister would never have sex with Derek Hale, he is the reason why our mother is dead! She would never do that!

Anyways, I loaded my bow with one of my arrows and aim, unfortunately I missed. I aim again but saw someone ran across a tree. "I'll be right back, I think I saw something" I told Lydia walking deeper into the woods. Then I saw the person again, "who's there?!" I and that's when I saw Kate.

I fired on of  my arrows at her, but I saw Issac holding the arrow away from Lydia's face.

"Am so sorry Lydia", I said running towards her

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"Am so sorry Lydia", I said running towards her. "What the hell Alison?!" She yelled, "I don't know, I thought I saw Kate", I told her.
The Next Day

Madison POV:

"Madison?!!" I heard Alison yelled, "am dead", I said to myself. I jump out my window doing a triple back flip on my way down. I got in my car and did my make up and then drove off to school. That's when saw Stilies and Scott walking, I rushed by them saying "you never saw me".

OK, so Lydia gave me the heads up about telling Alison about me having sex with Derek and my now maybe relationship with Ethan. I ran to my locker and took out my books, "Bae?" I looked down the hall seeing a guy using what use to be Matt's locker talking to his girlfriend.

"Got to run dad, am late!" I heard Ali say, why am I hearing and seeing what she is doing? It's like am seeing through her eyes. She ran into to elevator and it went down, but when it open she saw the hospital. The lights went off and on, a door opened and she went inside, its the morgue. The door lock behind her, and one of the body doors open (A/N: I have no idea what's it called).

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!" She scream when see saw the name, 'Kate Argent' on it. All the memories of Kate before she was killed flashed before her eyes. She walked over to the body door and opened it, she looked inside to see its a tunnel and Kate crawling towards her screaming.

She locked the door immediately and ran out, only to end up here at school, with Lydia asking "Alison are you OK?". "Madison!! Look out!!" I was snapped back to reality. Issac grabbing me out of the road, before I get hit by a truck, how did I end up in front of the school? I'm the middle of the road.
*********************************** Lydia POV:

I carried Alison to Scott but ran into Madison crying into Issac shoulder. "What happened to my sister?" Alison asked, Madison ran to her hugging her telling us she saw everything that Alison been seeing. "Scott it's happening to you too, your seeing things", we heard Stilies said to Scott. "How do you know that?" Scott asked, "because it's happening to all of you, but Madison sees what Alison sees", I told them.

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