Chapter 43 - girls vs boys

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Madison POV:

A few weeks has pass and I have been avoiding Liam and Mason. Mason because he's Liam best-friend, so here I am now sneaking into the kitchen at 2 in the morning. I had to pass Liam's bedroom to get to the kitchen, and sneaking around isn't fun when there is three wolves and a coyote in the house. "Shit I probably should have change my pajamas" I said to myself.

I bent over and I open the fridge door looking for the cheesecake, I saw it and lick my lips

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I bent over and I open the fridge door looking for the cheesecake, I saw it and lick my lips. "Hey!" a voice said I scream and faced the person. Liam. "You scare me, don't you know not to sneak up on people in the dark?" I snap at him. I took out the cake and place it on the counter, "why are you avoiding me?" he asked.

"Who said I was avoiding you?" I asked as I took out a knife to cut a slice of cake. "When you see me you go the other way, that is avoiding" he said. I cut a slice and then put back the cake in the fridge, I saw Liam checking me out. I know I shouldn't have wear this pyjama, I took up my plate ready to leave the kitchen.

"Madison, please talk to me" Liam begged, I sign and sat on top of the kitchen counter. "Thank you" he said, "Liam your 16 and am 19, am going to be a Senior student in London, your going to be a sophomore in Becan Hills" I told him. He stood in front of me as I ate my slice of cake, "I know but I really like you, I thought you like me, I heard you, Malia and Lydia talking about me" he said.

What? Oh he must be talking about when he asked us to swim the first day they got here. "We weren't, we were talking about a guy that I have or had a crush on that lived, use to live in Becan Hills" I told him. He signed, I stop eating and held his face in my hands. "I think its sweet that you like me and all Liam, but you will find the right girl for you" I kissed his cheek and hop off the counter.

I place my plate in the sink and face Liam, "go on one date with me" he said. I rolled my eyes and cross my arms over my chest, that only pushed up my breast more. Liam's eyes immediately went to my breast, "eyes up here" I said snapping him out of his trance. "Going on a date with me and we'll just be friends nothing more, nothing less".

"How about you gain the date instead?" I asked, "how?" He asked. "Tomorrow, my lacrosse team against yours, if you win you get a date" I told him. "And if I lose?" He asked, "not likely, hmmm you take over from Stilies from being my salve for all summer" I told him. "Deal" he said and we shake hands on it, "goodnight Liam" I said as I walked pass him.

Out of nowhere he slap me on the ass, I stop walking but didn't even look at him. I just continued to walk, am gonna break his ass tomorrow on the field. I went to my room and went to sleep immediately.
             *** The Next Day ***

Madison POV:

Am the lacrosse Queen of London! Today's the day, some of the boys from London team up with Scott, Liam and Stilies. My girls are so ready for this, I walked over to the boys to see if their prepared to lose. "Hi guys" I said smiling, "she's going to try and intimate us, don't fall for it" Jackson said smirking at me.

"I would never do that" I said in a hurt kind of way, they rolled their eyes. "Stilies am surprise your playing" I said, "I have practice, am better" he said. "It's not that, it's just that we are playing for you freedom from being my salve" I told him. He gave me a confused look, "oh, didn't Liam tell you?" I asked smirking.

Stilies looked at the baby beta, "if she wins I replace you as her slave, if she lose I take her out on a date" Liam told him. "That's not so bad" Stilies said, "no but we made another deal this morning about you" I said. Liam face palm, "what? What is it?" Stilies asked, "if we lose you become one of the girls and still be her slave" Liam said.

"Game on boys, oh Stilies? what colour do you want your nails in?" I asked smirking. I walked away hearing "stop betting on me!" Yelled Stilies. I walked over to my girls and discuss our game plan.

For the first half the boys were losing 5 for 2, I smirked over at them at half time. "You got four weir wolves on your team and you still losing" I whispered knowing they would hear me from across the field.

"Dude! What? Did she say something?" I heard Stilies asked. "They are killing us out there, I don't want to wolf out and hurt any of them" Scott says. "Dude! Come on, it wouldn't hurt" Stilies said, "remember what happened with Liam and Jackson?" Scott asked. Jackson shoulder was shifted out of socket and Liam broke his leg.

"And they are weir wolves now, we need the power" Stilies said, "she wasn't given captain for no reason" Jackson told them. I just smile, "am taking Stilies out first" I said, "oh god" I heard Issac muttered. I smirked, "what now?" Stilies asked, "she's going after you" Jackson said. I stop listening to them and focus on my team.

"Listen up, were going after the best players first, Scott then Jackson and then Issac" I told them. We agreed then the game began, Malia and Mason are acting as coaches and Lydia as referee. We took out Scott, then Issac, then Jackson, I could practically feel the fear running off Stilies now.

Girls won!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
As we cheered, I shouted "Liam! Tonight 9!" As I smiled at him. He smirk at me, "hey Stilies! Your free enjoy your summer!" I yelled at Stilies. This means I forgive Stilies for calling me at three in the morning and for accusing of being the benefactor.

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