Chapter 45 - Season 5 Senior year

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Madison POV:

Scribble night, I wish Alison was here, but she's not 😢😢😢😢😢, as I walked away I felt someone hug me. It's Malia, I hugged her back and said "J'aimerais que Alison soit là". I wish Alison was here. She gave me this confused look, I giggled, she doesn't know French. This year no supernatural drama like my Junior year in London, hopefully. "Je sais que vous ne comprenez pas Malia mais je vous aime", I told her. I know you don't understand Malia, but I love you.

Lydia smiled at me then said "Pourquoi ne le dites-vous pas en anglais, c'est beaucoup mieux pour comprendre ce que vous dites en réalité, car elle ne comprend pas le français". why don't you just tell her in English it's much better that way so she understand what you're actually saying since she doesn't understand French. I smiled and shake my head, "English please!" Malia yelled.
             *** The Next Day ***

Lydia POV:

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!" I heard from downstairs, I ran downstairs to see what's wrong. I see Madison jumping up and down screaming her head off, with my mom smiling at her. "What's going on?" I asked, "I got accepted into M.I.T as a Junior" she said. I hugged her even though I know she isn't going there, she told me that M.I.T is a back up plan if she doesn't get accepted into the college she really wants.

"I can't wait to show my mom and Alison" she said excitedly, then her smiled faded. She drop her acceptance letter and ran out of the room crying. "What just happened?" Mom asked, "her mom and Ali are dead" I said sadly walking back upstairs. I knock on her door (she's living with us) "Madison are you OK?" I asked. I didn't get any answer, "I know losing everyone you love is hard, but you still have the pack" I told her.

Seconds later the door open showing a dressed and smiling Madison.

      *** Madison's outfit-∆ ***

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      *** Madison's outfit-∆ ***

"No, change, your not starting Senior year looking like a slut" I told her. She rolled her eyes and with back into her room to Change, seconds later she returned.

"Better?" She asked with her arms crossed, "much, let's go are we're going to be late" I told her

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"Better?" She asked with her arms crossed, "much, let's go are we're going to be late" I told her. My mom already left so we took Madison's new car that her grandparents brought her.

"I love your car" I told her as we drove off, "yeah, it's a 'sorry we force you to finish high school in Becan Hills' present" she said

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"I love your car" I told her as we drove off, "yeah, it's a 'sorry we force you to finish high school in Becan Hills' present" she said. I know her better than anyone, she doesn't want to be here, and after what happened this morning. She really doesn't want to be here, when we got to school she walked off leaving me.
Madison POV:

I walked off leaving Lydia feeling angry with myself forgetting my mom and Ali are gone. Then I saw Malia and Stilies, I walked over to them. "I mean he has great hair, he's sexy, guess you would feel threaten" Malia said. "Thanks, now I do" Stilies replied, "what's going on?" I asked.

Malia hugged me then Stilies, "Theo Rekensins, he wants in the pack, but I don't trust him" Stilies answered. Then he looked to the parking lot, this cute guy came out of his car. "He's hot" I said, "not you too" Stilies groan out, I smirked, "if he's single, I want to know" I said.

"Bye, I have to go to the office for my schedule" I told them, I glanced at Theo one more time then left

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"Bye, I have to go to the office for my schedule" I told them, I glanced at Theo one more time then left. I collected my schedule then went to my locker, I glance down the hall and thought about someone I haven't thought about in a while.

Matt. I smiled to myself as I remember my first day of school here, when I met him. Then it's like everything went down hill from there. I slept with him, he died, I slept with Derek, I meet Ethan, Alison died and then Aiden died, Ethan moving away. "What's wrong?" I screamed and turn around I didn't realised that Lydia was behind me. "Don't do that, I was thinking about Matt and Aiden" I told her as I grab my books for class.

"I miss Aiden too, but it's a new year, new guys" she said, I rolled my eyes as the bell rang for our first class of the day. Lydia grab my hand and said "this is your year, no drama, just you getting a boyfriend I approve of". I rolled my eyes and sat beside her in AP biology, am only in this class because of Lydia. But then that cute guy came in, I think his name is Theo, "I spy with my little eyes hottie at 6 o clock" I sang in Lydia's ears.

Kira came in so I got up and gave her my seat and sat beside Theo instead. "Hi am Madison" I said as I sat beside him, "Theo" he said with a smug look on his face. We shake hands but he felt off, I steered into his eyes...... Ahh, He's chimera. Just great another supernatural being I just lost............ all interest in him.

Then I saw Scott entered the classroom, what is he doing here? "Scott? You do know which class this is?" I asked. "Yeah, AP biology" he answered, "do you know what AP means?" I asked curiously. I know and everyone (Stilies, Lydia, Kira, Malia) knows he ain't all that smart. "Yeah advanced placement" he answered smartly then the teacher came in. Am impressed.
Madison POV:

"I need your help" Stilies ran up to me saying, I rolled my eyes, "hello to you too Stilinski" I said. He wave me off and grab my hand leading me to the administration office. "Am I about to get in trouble for whatever your up to?" I asked, "no, yes, no only if we get caught, then yes" he answered. "What do you want Stilies?" I asked pulling my hand away from him as we got to the office door.

"Theo's files" he said, "OK, that's easy" I said taking out my tablet and and hacking the school mainframe. "Come let's go, you can send your e-mail later" Stilies said frustrated, I look up from my tablet and rolled my eyes at him. "Don't roll your eyes at me" he sassed, "it's in your email, all you have to do is print it" I said. "What?" He asked confused, "I hacked the schools mainframe, Theo's file is in your email, now bye Stilinski I have to talk to coach" I told him.

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