Chapter 41 - evolved/ summer

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Braden POV:

I saw when Derek get attack and fired my gun at the berserker. Derek sat against a bolder holding his wound, I asked him if he can still shoot and he said yes. After a few minutes I saw him closing his eyes, I cried when they close.

I love him, I can't lose him, but there is nothing I can do now, he's dead. I kept on shooting at Kate and her berserker, I want her dead for killing Derek. Soon Scott, Stilies, Kira, Malia and a unconscious Peter came out of the church.

Peter is the one who help Kate control and try to kill him after turning him into a berserker I look over at Derek's body but it's gone, I looked around but couldn't see it anywhere. Soon we all saw a big black wolf with blue eyes looking at us.

It transformed into Derek, Kate thought he was dead, but he was evolving. He killed all the berserker and came over to us, I kissed him, he kissed back. Peter will be placed in Eichen house with yellow Wolfsbane in his system to keep him out cold. Derek, Chris and I left with the cavalas to find Kate and possibly kill her.
Scott POV:

We arrived back from Mexico so the next day Stilies, Liam and I went to coaches office to tell him why we missed the game. He didn't believe us, but left Liam in our care, for lacrosse, I mean. Stilies apologized to Madison but she says the only reason she is forgiving him is because Malia told her to.

So this coming summer we are off to London we all go including Liam and Mason. But Kira will be in New York for the summer, then we will all go home two days before school start. Liam and Mason will go home a month before summer ends, but I'll return home before the full moon.

       *** Five Months Later ***

Lydia POV:

It's summer and I just finished packing to go to London, I can't wait to go shopping with Madison. My mom drove Malia, Liam, Mason and I to the airport. Scott's mom is drive Stilies and Scott to the airport.

When we got there we saw no flight to London but Madison said she bought our tickets. "Turn around idiots" a voice said behind us, there stood Issac with a smirk on his face. "Madison couldn't make it" he said.

I ran into his arms god I missed him, "oh Stilies, Madison said you must get started on your slave work, by taking everyone's bags to the jet". "Jet?!" Mason and Liam yelled, I rolled my eyes and gave Stilies my 7 suitcases. Issac lead us to the jet immediately, then off to London we went.

         *** Five Hours Later ***

Lydia POV:

We just landed in London, we got off the jet and saw Issac hugging two old people. They must be Madison's grandparents, "come on kids the lemo is waiting", he granddad said. "Lemo?!" Liam and Mason yelled we all just shake our heads at them.

"We should have left them back in Becan Hills" Stilies mumbled, we soon arrived at their house, their mansion. All our mouths we're left open, "close your mouths you might catch flies" Issac told us. "So where's Madison?" Liam ask the moment we step into the house.

"She is still at school, today's the last lacrosse practice, I told coach am sick so I could pick you guys up" Issac said. "She could have said that too" Malia said, "she's the captain of the girls lacrosse team, she couldn't" Issac explain. "Take any room you like, dinner is a 8" Madison's grandma told us, Stilies, Liam, Mason and Scott ran off.

Issac showed Malia and I around, "come on let's go to the school and surprise Madison" Issac said. The boys came back and we all went outside but the lemo is gone, how are we supposed to get to the school now? "Here you go" Issac told Stilies handing him a key, then he pointed to a black jeep behind us.

 The boys came back and we all went outside but the lemo is gone, how are we supposed to get to the school now? "Here you go" Issac told Stilies handing him a key, then he pointed to a black jeep behind us

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Stilies went all fan girl over the jeep, and even cried over it. So went all fit in the jeep it is more spacious than Stilies jeep, Issac rode on his bike and we followed him. Ten minutes later we arrived, we went to the lacrosse field. Boys on one side of the field girls on the other, except for a guy who just crashed into a girl and he is lying on top of her.

"Practice over, get out of here!" We heard the coach yelled, "why does she sound like our coach?" Stilies asked. "Oh, that's coach Flinstack's twin sister" Issac answer, we all stood there speech less. "Madison!" Someone yelled, then I saw him, I saw Jackson. I saw him ran over to the players on the ground, he grab the guy by his shirt and fling him off the girl and help her up.

She took off her helmet, it's Madison she laugh at Jackson, then sniff the air. She faces us, Stilies step towards her and open his arms for her to run into them. She ran towards us passing Stilies and hugging me, "yeah, not like I open my arms" we all heard Stilies mumbled.

"Am so happy you here, we can finally go shopping!" She said still hugging me. "We're here too you know" Scott said, she let go of me and hug everyone except for Stilies. She kick his leg making him fall to the ground, "that's for thinking I was the benefactor" she said.

"I'll be back am going to change out of this" she said and walked away. Malia and I saw Liam steering at her ass as she walked away, "better watch your bet- player Scott" I said. I almost said beta forgetting that Mason is here with us. When Madison came back he could take his eyes off her, "let's go" she said.

We got in the jeep and she went on Isaac's bike, we all teased Liam about liking Madison. He turned pink as we teased him, just being here with my friends make me wish Alison was here.

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