Chapter 30 - what have you been up to

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Madison POV:

When we got home, I took a shower immediately and got dressed.

Outfit for the day-∆

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Outfit for the day-∆

"where's dad?" I asked Ali as she get dress, "I don't know, he isn't answering his phone" she said. "Ali, am not a true hunter anymore" I told her, she face me "how can you not be a true hunter?" She asked. "When I woke up all my powers were gone, and am weaker than I usually am, am weaker than you" I told her.

She hugged me, "it doesn't matter if your a true hunter or not, your still my baby sister" she said. "By five minutes Ali, I love you", I said, "I love you too, come on we have to get to school" she said. When we got to school, I ran into Ethan, he stood across the hall just steering at me.

Aiden moved his hand up and down in front of his face, "bye Madison" Ali said smiling. "Ethan, I lost my powers" I whispered knowing he would hear me. Aiden heard too and face me smiling, he open his arms and I ran into them like a child. "I miss you Aiden" I told him rubbing nose against his neck, "I missed you too, you missed a lot" he said.

"I know, Scott told me everything that's been happening, Ethan?" I look at him. He bit his lips, I smile and crashed my lips onto his. "I miss your lips so much" he said against my lips, "I missed these" I said as I rub my hand down his pants front. "Guys! Am right here" Aiden yelled, we pulled apart smiling, "so? let's go find Scott" I said.

"If anyone sees Stilinski anywhere contact the nears teacher, and everyone will be writing a letter to Issac that will make your coach cry, who first?" Coach asked. "Danny?! Yes, keep it PG13, welcome back Argent 2! Argent. 2! what are you doing in here?" He asked me. "How?" I asked, how the hell did he know its me? "Am not stupid! Happy your out of your coma, but what are you doing in the boys locker room?" He asked.

"Sorry to burst your bubble coach, but am staying" I said with the cutest smile ever. He rolled his eyes, and went back to the other boys. "So did you two find anything?" Scott asked Ethan and Aiden, "no nothing" Aiden said. "It's getting quiet, too quiet" Ethan said, "do you hear that?" Aiden asked, I hear nothing.

"It sounds like one of the Argents amitters" Scott said, "does it have a little tone to it?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" Scott asked, "that would be mines, and I want it back now!" I said. Ethan grab my wrist and all of us ran to the direction of my amitters. We arrived at the basement to see a confused Stilies holding my amitter.

"I swear it's me" he said immediately, Ethan and Aiden didn't believe him and went to attack. "Stop them Scott" I said, "what am I to do?" He asked, "your the fucking alpha! Not me!" I yelled at him, he grab Ethan and threw him at my feet and roar in Aiden's face. "I swear Scott it's me" Stilies said, I walked over to him and slap him across the face, "never touch my amitters" I said grabbing it out of his hand.

"And me being in a coma isn't your fault, am fine now" I told him and gave him a hug. He gave me this weird look and then smiled, I guess he just realised am not Alison. He showed us a map of the woods where the cross country runners are running now. We ran after them but Aiden held me back, "what's up with you?" He asked. "What are you talking about?" I asked, Ethan came up to us "you feel it too?" He asked Aiden.

"We'll tell her later, let's go!" Scott yelled, tell me what? O.....K? We ran to the wood to coach. "Coach!" Stilies yelled, "Stilinski? What?" He asked confused as to what is Stilies doing here, since he was reported missing. Stilies rambled on about bear traps on the trail the the runners are running on.

Ethan, Scott and Stilies ran off, leaving Aiden and I behind to call Stilies dad. He answered "Hey Madison, I can't....." gco "Stilies here in the woods, and he set up bear traps all over the trail for the cross country runners" I told him immediately. "Am on my way" he said and hung up, "what does Scott want to tell me later?" I asked Aiden.

"Your not a true hunter" he said, "no shit Sherlock", I said rolling my eyes at him. "I know, it's like your giving me power, when 'we' are around you we feel stronger, and when we're not we feel back to our normal strength", he said. "So basically am a power source for all supernatural, just great" I said (note the sarcasm). Aiden ran off leaving me cause I went to the station to see of I could find Alison.

When I got there I saw my dad and Derek hand cuff to a bench, "what the hell?" I asked myself. I walked over to them with a smirk on my face, "this is a pretty sight" I said. I took a pic of them immediately, "Madison?" Dad asked, "no am Alison! Who else would I be? You?" I asked. "You a wake" he said still in shock, "no shit Sherlock" I said rolling my eyes, "halo?" Derek asked.

"What?" Dad asked, "apparently am a power source for all supernatural creatures" I told him. "But your a true hunter" he said, "not anymore, what William Barrow did to me took it away" I told him. "She's now call a halo" Derek imputed, "why are you guys here? And hand cuff?" I asked. "Stilies, well the other Stilies, he is framing us for murder" dad said, "get down!" Derek yelled.

He jump over my dad and I protecting us, the station exploded. The ringing in my ears died down a bit, I got up and saw a piece of glass in Derek's back. "Oh my god! Derek!" I screamed out, I tore the glass from his body and cutting myself in the process. He heal immediately and faster than usual, "that was unusually fast" I said, "your here that's why" he said.

 He heal immediately and faster than usual, "that was unusually fast" I said, "your here that's why" he said

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