Chapter 8 - Issac

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Madison POV:

I walked around to the cells, I saw Issac growling at Stilies, so I shot him in the shoulder with my arrow.

This cause Stilies to look behind me, "you aren't going to kill him are you?" He asked. "My weapons doesn't have wolf banes on them, so no, as much as I want to", I told him. Then Derek came into my line of sight, I shot him immediately without thinking.

Issac attack me, catching me off guard cause I was focus on Derek, I went flying into the wall behind me, then everything went black.

Stilies POV:

Madison went flying into the wall behind her, she was knock out cold. Derek pulled the arrow out of his shoulder while I went over to Madison. Issac growled at me, so Derek growled at him, changing him back.

"How did you do that?" I asked him, "am the alpha", was his replied.

"How did you do that?" I asked him, "am the alpha", was his replied

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Stilies POV:

"Hey Alison, how is Madison?" I asked, Ali "Stilies, I am Madison", she said annoyed. Damn! "Sorry, how's your head?" I asked, "it's OK, I probably should have not shot them". I can hardly see the difference between her and her sister, "hey, Maddi want to hang out tonight?" I asked, "Stilies, I have a boyfriend", she said rolling her eyes.

"Oh shit, I didn't mean it like that, I mean to help you learn control", I said. "Yeah, thanks Stilies", the bell rang so we went off to class.

Madison POV:

As I went to class, I was told that am needed in the principal's office, so I went there. "Hey grandad", I said as I took a seat in his office. "This is about last night", he said, "I was caught off guard by Derek" I said. "That's not what am talking about, none of your weapons had wolf banes on them", fuck!

I didn't let my face show any emotions, "I thought they were", I told him. He just steered at me, "I'll see you later, go to class", he said, I immediately left his office. After school I got my things from my locker, "Bae I need to tell you something", Matt said coming up to me.

"Hello to you too", I said sarcastically, "let's hang out tonight, me and you", he said. "Sorry, Matt I have plans tonight with my dad, let's hang out tomorrow night, no one is going to be home", I told him. We kissed then I went to the parking lot, "Ali mind carry my bag pack?" I asked her as she got into her car, "sure, hand it over", she said.

I hand it to her, but I saw Stilies going to his Jeep, but he is talking to Scott. I sneak into the back seat of his jeep, without his knowledge. He and Scott got into jeep, "dude am telling you coach isn't letting me on the field, I suck", Stilies told Scott. "Don't say that Stilies, your a great player", I said making my self known they both jump screaming like girls.

"How did you get in my jeep?" He asked, "am a hunter Stilies", I told him, but my eyes began to glow. "You need to control that", Scott said, "no shit Sherlock", I sneered. Then I saw Matt coming out of school, "shit!" I said as I hid myself behind the car seat. "Why you hiding?" Scott asked, "I told Matt that I couldn't be with him tonight cause am doing something with my dad, but it's not true cause am hanging with Stilies tonight to learn control", I said.

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