Chapter 39 - Girls talk

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Malia POV:

I cried, I can't believe they lied to me, Scott, Stilies, Lydia and Kira they lied to me. I wonder if Madison knew, so I faced time her. "Hey Jackson, I'll be right back" she said looking away from the screen. "Hey Malia, great timing, the last time y'all called it was 3 in the morning" she said.

"Hi" my voice cracked, "baby why are you crying? What did Stilies do? Do I need to come back and kick his ass?" She asked. "No, no, don't, did you know?" I asked her, "know what?" She asked confused. "Did you know am a Hale?!" I yelled, "your a what?! Why am the last to know these things?" She asked herself. Thank god she didn't know, I didn't want to be upset with her too.

"Stilies, Scott, Lydia and Kira lied to me, they knew and didn't tell me" I cried out. "Baby, baby, calm down Malia if I could come back to Becan Hills I would, but am grounded" she said rolling her eyes. I smiled a little, "Madison tell me how pretty I am" I heard Isaac's voice say. "Oh Issac you know I can't be compelled" she said laughing.

I heard laughter, "where are you?" I asked, "lacrosse practice, but we're waiting on coach" she said. We kept on talking until she screamed "oh hell no!!", "what's wrong?" I asked. "Stilies just text me asking me if am the benefactor for the dead pool" she said. "Why would he ask you that?" I asked, "because am a true hunter, and a true hunter wants all supernatural being dead" she said smirking a bit.

I knew that but, she is all the way in London, plus she is our friend she wouldn't do that. "I mean I did try to kill Derek, Scott and Peter once, but I've changed, I still want Peter dead but I have change" she said pouting. "Bae you coming over tonight?" a guy asked, I see Madison smile, Awww she has a crush. "Yeah I almost forgot I'll be over after gymnastic practice" she said.

"Awww someone has a crush" I sang, she rolled her eyes, "don't, as hot as he is, he's gay and am in charge of getting the male lacrosse team grades up" she said. "Good luck with that, I had to do PSAT's today" I told her. "That's great, it was easy when I did it freshmen year, straight A's" she said.

Wow. I knew she is smart but I never knew she is smarter than Lydia. "So meet anyone there?" I asked curiously, "yeah, but am not interested, I still love Ethan" she said with a sad smile. Ethan was a guy that was apart of the alpha pack with his twin. But his twin die, and so did Madison's twin so they went their separate ways.

"Line up, girls on one side, boys on the other, girl vs boys!" I heard a female yelled. "Sorry Malia, I have to go" she said, I saw her pick up her lacrosse stick.

"Yeah, it's fine, go" I said, "bye Malia and remember am always here to talk, bye!" She said and hang up. I wish she was here in Becan Hills, not London.
Madison POV:

After the girl talk with Malia I went to practice, unfortunately girls wear skirt, not shorts.

I can't believe Stilies think am the benefactor, I didn't even reply to his text

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I can't believe Stilies think am the benefactor, I didn't even reply to his text. Tryouts for me went well and I got captain, but did you know that Coach Flinstack's sister is our teams coach? (for both girl and boy team).

Jackson and I are growing closer to each other, friendship wise, am still in love with Ethan. I may never see him again but I love him, he change number so I am not in contact with him. After practice Issac and went home, "you miss Becan Hills?" Issac ask as we make our way to our bikes.

"I guess, I miss my friends but I have friends here now" I said, he smiled. London is great for Issac he can't lose anyone else in his life. He lost everyone in his life, I still have my dad, my grandparents and even Aunty Kate. "I love it here, I love having you as my sister" he said, I gave him a side hug then got on our bikes.

When we got home I immediately took a shower, I got dress in a black leather shorts, white blouse and a black vans. I grab my keys then yelled "am going to the gymnasium! be back by 7 with pizza!" then left. I went to the gymnasium and practice, Alison and I use to do gymnastics so am doing it for her.

After practice I went to Conner's house, he's gay don't worry and help him with homework. After helping him, I picked up pizza and went home. Isaac is in his room watching Harry Potter,

(A/N: I love 💖 Harry Potter)

"Honey am home!" I yelled as I open his bedroom door, he rolled his eyes and I jump on his bed. "So Gryffindor? Slytherin? Ravenclaw? or Hufflepuff?" Issac asked. "Definitely Slytherin, have you seen Draco Malfoy? he's hot" I said as I ate a slice of pizza. 💗
Issac rolled his eyes, "Gryffindor I would like the adventure they go on though" he said.

We went to bed after 10, but my phone rang seconds before I could fall asleep. "What?!" I yelled not looking at the caller ID, "someone's cranky" the person said. Who? Ah, dad. "Dad, sleeping is a must so please let me go do that" I said. "Just wanted to say good night", he said I know he is back in Becan Hills.

Him being there is probably bringing back memories of Ali and I together. "Night daddy, I love you 😍😘" I said, "love you too" he said and hang up. I signed and look up and saw the stars in the night sky. "I love you Alison, am sorry I didn't save you" I whispered and fell asleep.

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