Chapter 59 - Taken

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Madison POV:

Tonight is one of Becan Hills lacrosse game, Liam won't be playing because he and my dad are in the bunker protecting all the students from the party last night for the ghost riders. Malia will be with them, but Gwen, the original chick that Liam was supposed to protect is playing the game. I swear she stubborn as hell, "Argent! Get on the sidelines!" Coach yelled. Of all the people to be taken god, you couldn't have made the wild hunt take coach? 😂😂😂 sorry but I had to ask.

The game began, but then I saw Liam on the field, what the hell? I swear something is wrong with that boy. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!" The captain of the cheer team screamed, "why are you screaming?" I asked. But she didn't answer she ran away with some of the other cheerleaders. What is going on? Some people in the stands started screaming and running. I ran onto the field and grab onto Gwen, "what's going on?" I asked.

"Can't you see them?" She asked, "see what?" I asked, "men from last night" she said. Ghost riders are here, oh crap! "How many?" I asked, "about 20 of them I think" she said. Then I realized that Gwen isn't the only can see them, so Liam, Scott and I have to protect them. "How can we protect them if we can see them?" I asked, then one of the boys disappeared. I notice Scott and Liam eyes are glowing, it doesn't help my true hunter side.

One by one they all disappeared, if only we could see them, but if we see them we will be taken. Liam and Hayden went somewhere, while we met up with Malia and Lydia. We all went to Scott's house but when we entered we saw Theo standing in the kitchen. "You not mad about the shooting thing Malia?" He asked, Malia attacked him. "Malia stop" Scott told her, she stop and stood by me, "send him back" Scott told Liam. "No, he remember Stilies" Liam said, "no, Scott remembers Stilies, Lydia remembers Stilies, Madison remembers Stilies, I remember Stilies" Malia said.

"He know how the catch one of them" Hayden said, catching a ghost rider sweet. "They can't be caught" Malia told him, "they ride the lightning, so it is kinda possible" I said. That caused her to send me a death glare, I just rolled my eyes. Then my phone went off, I got a text;

From: 🔥Jordan
Come to the station, need your help.

To: 🔥Jordan
On my way, be there in 10 mins.

"I have to go" I said, "go where?" Lydia asked, "Parrish needs my help, I'll call y'all later" I said and left Scott's house.

Liam POV:

Madison left, "so how do we catch it?" Scott asked, "supposed I don't want to help?" Theo asked, Malia growl at him. "Then back into the hole you go" Scott told him, we, except for Malia and Lydia went to an power station to set up our plan. Hayden ended up being bate for the ghost rider to go in the electrical cage.

We caught, "now what?" Theo asked, "now we question him" I said. Hayden left, and then Mason and Corey arrived, Scott tried to question the ghost rider but no answer. He left to find Lydia and asked me to deal with it. OK, here it goes, "Mr. Ghost rider?" I started, ohk nope, "Mr. Rider, can you give us back our friends?" I asked again. Everyone looked at me weird, "what I don't speak ghost rider" I said.

"Wait, what made it leave the party?" Mason asked, "Parrish and Madison!" I said. Corey and Mason left leaving Theo and I to wait for Parrish and Madison to get her. "We're here Scott's #2 beta" Madison announced at the door smirking at me, cue the eye roll. "We think it's afraid of you two, try talking to him" I told them. The ghost rider looked at them, "hell hound, true hunter" it said, that's progress.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Mason asked, as he and Corey walks through the woods. "I feel like this is all my fault, am the one that made the ghost riders visible" Corey said. "Hey look at me" Mason said, Corey turn to face him, "it's not your fault, OK" he said. Out of nowhere Corey began choking, Mason notice something wrap around his neck. Then green smoke surrounded him, he was taken. "Corey!" He yelled out, "he's gone" the man said approaching him. "Mr. Davis?" Mason asked in disbelief, Mr. Davis smirked and hit Mason with the whip, and he was taken.

"Give us back our friends" Jordan said to the ghost rider, "those who hunt with us, hunts forever" he said back. "Bitch please" Madison mumbled under her breath. "Those who hunt we us, hunts forever" he said again, Parrish kept steering at it and move towards it. "What is he doing?" I asked, "he's breaking the mountain ash around the cage" Madison said and grab Parrish.

Scott POV:

"You heard that?" I asked Malia as we walk though the woods, Lydia is with sheriff Stilinski trying to convince him he has a son. "Yeah, it's coming from over there" she answered, a few seconds ago we heard a howl. We found this burnt to the crisp man, his scent seems familiar. "Peter" I said, "Peter, he's the one the bit me and turn me into a weir wolf" I told her. "Yeah, he's my dad, how did we forget him?" He asked, "he was taken" I said. "What is he doing out here?" She asked, then I notice something in his hand. Car keys, we rushed him to the hospital to mom.

         *** The Next Night ***

Mr. Argent POV:

Melissa and I went to where Liam has the ghost rider, its body was in the cage but ss is missing and heads bashed in. "Its the same as the others" she said, soon the new teacher of Becan Hills came in the cage with us. He's the one eating ss out of peoples brain, he asked for Parrish. So we brought him to him but him was in the freezer, it help him with his body temperature. He shot me with one of the ghost rider gun and a green smoke surrounded me and I was gone.

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