Chapter 56 - What's missing?

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Madison POV:

A few days have pass me, and I have been avoiding the pack, am losing control and I don't want to kill them. Since I became a weir wolf I put away all my hunting weapons. But last night I found myself picking out weapons to kill the pack. I really wish I knew what's going on, everything is out of control. Now am at school, and I just found my Chinese ring dagger in my locker. I haven't seen them since Ali died, I immediately lock locker door and step away from it.

That's not even the only thing been going on, bodies are being found with their head bashed in and their Ss missing. I rolled my eyes when I saw Lydia coming towards me, "you've been avoiding us" she said. I step back away from her, "ever since the wild hunt came to Becan Hills I lose control of my true hunter side, so stay away Lydia" I told her. She keep her distance, "your not the only one, I think who ever help Scott help you control it is the same person who help Malia" she said.

I thinks so too, but what's missing? Or is it a who? "What if where all missing the same person?" I asked. "Could be" she same, "guys we need to talk" Scott said and pulled us into an empty classroom with Malia. "Last night I woke up in the woods" he told us, weird, "what were you doing in the woods?" Lydia asked. "I don't know, but I think was there freshman year look for a dead body" he said. "Dead body? Why would you be looking for a dead body?" I asked, I swear he gets weirder everyday.

"I don't know, but I think I had a best-friend, and he told me about it" he said, "you could have heard it on the news" Malia suggested. "Couldn't have, I don't watch the news, and I don't have a police scanner" he answer. "I can't help you, I didn't know you back then" Lydia said, "and I was still a coyote back then, if their was a dead body I would have eaten it" Malia said. OK, ewww, "probably it was a full moon that night" I said, "it wouldn't have bother me cause I wasn't a weir wolf then" he said. "Then I can't help you cause I didn't live here then" I told him, I think Ali would have just arrived here then.

"What if were all missing the same person?" Lydia said, "yeah probably, and this person help my control myself" Malia said. "We need to find this person fast, so I can take all the wolfsbane out of my locker" I said. They all gave me weird looks, "what are you doing with wolfsbane?" Scott asked. "I lost control of my true hunter side" I told him, Lydia, Malia and Scott took a step back from me. The bell rang so we all went to AP biology class, Lucky I remembered to do my homework. I sat beside Lydia in class since my partner is literally in hell, Theo.

She kept on steering outside, "Lydia? Is there something outside that interest you?" Our teacher asked. "I..I don't know" she muttered, I looked outside and saw a piece of crap blue jeep in the parking lot. Then I saw a towed truck pulled up beside it, Lydia ran out of class and Scott followed. I rolled my eyes when saw then arguing with the towed truck man. I pack my things and left class, "I know you don't need this class Ms. Argent but I don't like students walking out of my class" the teacher said. I stop in my tracks and faced her, "I just need a minute" I told her and walked to the parking lot.

"200 dollars, is my price" the man said, "how much money you have Scott?" Lydia asked. "Fifty, and I mean that's all I have" he answer, "here's 300" I told the man and gave him my money. He took it and left, "you know we don't have the keys to this right?" Scott asked Lydia. "Yeah, I know, but look we have a jeep now" she said, "yeah a piece crap jeep" I said smiling. "I don't think the person we're missing is the only person missing for us or for me" I told them. "Why would you say that?" Scott asked, "I think I had a baby" I told them.

"A baby?" Lydia asked, "yes Lydia a baby not a puppy" I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes. "I found a baby shoes with the name, Victoria Alison Argent on the bottom" I told them. "Isn't that your mom's name?" Scott asked, "yeah, but Alison isn't her middle name it's Rosemary, and I have three tattoo instead of two" I told them. I lifted my shirt and showed them my left hip with the name Tori on me. We all just agree to finish school and come back to the jeep at a later date.

We, as in Malia, Scott and I went went to Dean to see if he could help us find who's missing. He's going to make Lydia do automatic writing. He gave her a piece of paper and pen and told her to watch the light. After a few minutes she began to write furiously, then she stopped. All we saw on the paper in mischief all over but it form out the words Stilies. "What the hell is a Stilies?" Lydia, am wondering the same thing. The next day we updated Liam, Mason and Corey about what we found out.

They gave us an update too, we found out who the guy is that was taken in the library. Corey found his library card and that's how we remember him. Each person that has been taken leaves behind relics, a symbol of them ever existing, we just need to find Stilies relic.

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