Chapter 7- control

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Madison up top and Alison at the bottom-∆

Scott POV:

Stilies and I spoke for a while and decided that we need to get out of class. Stilies dad is talking to Jackson in the principal office about Isaac's dad. OK, so Derek gave Issac the bite and an hour later his dad ended the up dead. Jackson lives across the street from Issac, we need to find if he kill his dad or not. Stilies threw a paper ball at our teacher, hitting him in the head.

We got sent to the principal office, we heard some of their conversation

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We got sent to the principal office, we heard some of their conversation. Apparently Issac was being abuse by his dad and Jackson knew and said nothing about it. All of a sudden Stilies dad came out of the office so Stilies grab the magazine beside him and his his face. "Scott......", said Stilies dad, he looked at Stilies and just walked away.

"What did you do this time?" Asked Madison coming out of the office. Her eyes glowed when we made eye contact, she closed her eyes and took a step back. Stilies walked up to her and held her hand "just breathe, in and out", he told her. She pulled her hand away from him and said "am fine! I have to go", she ran off leaving us. "We got to help her Scott, or you'll be dead before school ends", Stilies said, as I was about to answer, Ali's grandfather came out of the office.

Unfortunately he is the new principal, "boys, come in", he said to us.

Unfortunately he is the new principal, "boys, come in", he said to us

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Madison POV:

"Control, control, control", I kept on saying to myself and not looking where am going. Ended crashing into a girl, I looked up saw this blonde hair girl. "Am sorry I wasn't looking", she said "it's fine", and she walked away from me. (Erica)

The bell rang so I went to my locker for my books for English, I went class immediately

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The bell rang so I went to my locker for my books for English, I went class immediately.
Madison POV:

"Hey Maddi", I looked up and see Lydia, it's lunch time, I wanted to avoided Ali and her friends, but noooooo. "Bye Lydia", I said walking away from her, I can literally feel my eyes glowing. "Madison!" She yelled out but I just kept on walking, she walked me down yelling my name.

I walked around the school with her still trailing me, then I saw Ali but she is talking to Stilies. Why not Scott? That when I remember they can't be seen together cause they 'broke up'. "Maddi just the girl am looking for", Ali said as I approach her. "If you were looking for me you would have looked in the mirror", I told her. "Your eyes are glowing", said Stilies, "no shit Sherlock, get her away from me", I said. They saw Lydia walk up to us, I walked off again, "hey Lydia", I heard Ali said.

"Madison?" I heard Lydia ask, "yeah, am sorry about avoiding, I just needed to think", Ali told her

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"Madison?" I heard Lydia ask, "yeah, am sorry about avoiding, I just needed to think", Ali told her. Thank god Ali and I decided to dress a like today, cause I know she wouldn't be able to pull off that trick.

 Thank god Ali and I decided to dress a like today, cause I know she wouldn't be able to pull off that trick

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Outfit for the day-∆

I went to the library now that I know that Lydia isn't following me anymore, my eyed stop glowing. When she bell rang I went to AP chemistry, its my favorite class.
Madison POV:

After school, granddad drove me home, my bike is in the back of his car, Ali and Scott are going to Isaac's house. I found out that he was taken away by the police, they think he kill his dad. "So your dad know your a true hunter?" Granddad asked, "yeah, mom and Ali knows too", I told him.

"We are going out for a hunt tonight since it's a full moon", he told me, "let me guess, we're going after Isaac?" I asked smirking. He laughed then said "your smarter than I thought", "am a straight A student, a hunter and I have a great grandad what did you expect?" I asked him. He laughed, and continued to drive, "is Alison a strong head hunter like you?" He asked.

"No, Ali is still innocent in all of this, to be honest I didn't think she should of become a hunter in the first place, she got skills, yes she does, but needs something to boost her", I told him. He shake his head, we arrived at home a few minutes later. I ate a snack then went down to the basement, that's were we keep all of our weapons.

I saw my dad and some other hunters getting there weapons ready for the hunt, grandad decided not to go. He's old so I get it, "get the silver bullet", I heard guy say. "Silver does nothing to them", another hunter said, that's when I notice him in a police uniform. I made my self visible to them and said "am coming", they faced me and bow a little.

Being a true hunter is like being royalty in our hunter world, "it's a school night", dad said. "I don't care", I said making my eyes glow, he roll his eyes, so I stop it. "Fine, but be careful", he said, I grab my knives and my bow, then we left for the police station.

'Where r u?' I texted Ali

'Am with Scott, at Isaac's house'

'On a fucking full moon?!'

'He won't hurt me Maddi'

'The hunters and I are going to the police station, for Issac'

'Stilies is going there'

'Great! Now I have to kill him too'

'Stop with your sarcasm, he knows what he is doing'

'Fine, and I love being sarcastic, tlk later'

We at the police station five minutes later, we went in turning off the lights. With my flashlight and bow in hand I search around for Stilies, but couldn't find him anywhere. Some of the other hunters went to the cells, that's where Issac is, so they went there.

Then I heard Stilies voice and a lot of gun shots ringing out loud, then I heard roar. I immediately knew it's Derek, my eyes began to glow, shit! Full moon and me being a near an alpha, not good.

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