Chapter 24 - William Barrow

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Madison POV:

When I got home, my dad wasn't home thank god, am grounded for a month no need for another. "Where were you??" I screamed thinking it's my dad, it's just Ali, "unreachable", I told her. She rolled her eyes, "we really needed you today, we save Malia if you even care", she told me. "I care, you illusinated today didn't you?" I asked, "how did you know?" She asked.

"I see what you see, just close the door to your mind, so this can all be over", I told her. She hugged me, "Ali I want mom back", I told her, she looked at me in shock. "I can't lose you OK, try to be careful, I can heal you can't, I can't lose anyone else" I cried. She hugged me, "you won't lose me, I'll be fine we will grow old together and be the greatest twin ever lived", she said.

"I love you, Alison Madison Argent", I told her "and I love you too Madison Alison Argent", she said, I slept in her room cause I wanted to be near her.
Stilies dad POV:

I walked into the hospital with my fellow office, only to see the FBI, Scott's dad and his mother. "He is not coming into this hospital", I told him, "this is the only hospital that will take him", Mr. McCall said. "What about county?" I asked, "you would be surprise that they didn't want him", he said.

 "What about county?" I asked, "you would be surprise that they didn't want him", he said

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William Barrow-∆

"They turf him to us?" Melissa asked, "the county didn't want to operate on him", I said. "Someone has to do it", he said, and in William Barrow walked all chained up. "Am sorry for the person who has to do his pre interview", Melissa said signing, "who usually does that?" Mr. McCall asked, "me", Melissa said.

Stilies POV:

"Get your ass to school!" I said to Scott who is on the phone, "it's the middle of the night", he said. "It's 12:15, meaning it's mischief night/ day, coach lives for this", I told him. "Aren't we a bit young for this?" He asked, "no, plus it's coach birthday, Madison and I are waiting on you", I told him.

"Madison is there? I thought she was grounded?" He asked, "I made a deal with her, I convinced her dad to ungrounded her and she comes help us and don't kill me" I told him. "Don't feel up to it", he said, "am gonna count from five and you better be here, 5......4......3......2....." Shit! There stood Scott behind me with glowing eyes "1" he said.

Melissa POV:

"Keep in mind that, this guy put a bomb on a school bus cause he think the kids had glowing eyes, be careful", my ex husband told me. I enter his room and told him what's wrong with him, but he asked about mischief night. I check his heart beat, and he began to scream out 'their eyes were glowing'. Weir wolves! True hunter! Weir coyote!

The next day

Madison POV:

"Hey dad, it's it true William Barrow is in Becan Hills?" I asked my dad as he sat at his office desk. "Yeah, he'll just be doing surgery then he'll be gone", he told me, "what if he escape?" I asked. "Then stay a way from him and keep your sister safe, he went after kids with glowing eyes", he told. "And last I check I have glowing eyes, bye dad love you", I said going off to school. "Love you too!" I heard him yelled as Ali and I went in the elevator.

Ali and I went separate ways when we got to school, then I saw a bike rode up beside my bike. It's Scott and Aiden & Ethan pulled up beside him. "Your back in school?" Scott asked, "no we came here to talk to you", Aiden said.

(A/N: I can't tell Aiden and Ethan apart)

"Ha, that's a new thing for you guys, normally you just hurt people", Stilies said standing beside Scott. I went over to them and stand beside Stilies, "yeah why the sudden change?" I asked. "You need a pack", Aiden said ignoring me, "no, that's funny", Stilies said.

"We make you stronger, faster there is no reason to say no", Aiden said. "There is one, you held Derek claws while impailing Boyd" Issac said standing beside Scott. "I don't see why we aren't impaling them now", Issac said, "want to trying?" Aiden asked changing to his wolf.

Issac step forward, but Scott held him back, "they don't trust you, so I don't either", Scott said walking off with Issac and Scott said. I peck Ethan and the lips and hug Aiden, "what do we do?" Ethan asked as he look at Aiden's arm around my waist. Aiden and I look at the 'Becan Hill's High school' sign. We looked at each other with a smirk and look at Ethan, "no, no, no is this about Lydia?" He asked.

"No it isn't, but everyone that we ever messed with will find out we don't have a pack, and we're dead", Aiden told him. "But high school?" Ethan asked, "we never finished, so let's finish", Aiden told him. Ethan walk off into school cursing, "so it really isn't about Lydia?" I asked. "Lydia is a bonus to all of this, Ethan is only upset cause he been deprived of sex", he said smirking.

I shake my head at him, "let's go before your brother kill someone", I told him. We both laugh and went inside, Aiden and I see each other as the brother and sister we both never had.
Scott POV:

"That's my face!" A toilet paper hit Stilies in the face, Stilies yelled as we entered the school. "Good alpha decision", he said "I don't know, Madison might be upset with me", I told him. "Am not upset", Madison said walking pass me going up to Kira and talking to her. "Who are you looking at?" Stilies asked, "what? No one", I told him looking away from Kira.

"Your looking at the new girl, you like her?" Stilies asked, "I mean she is new" I told him. "Go asked her out", he said "now?" I asked, "yes now, your the hot girl" he said. "The hot girl?" I asked a bit confused, "yes, your the hot girl everyone wants", he said. "Am the hot girl?" I asked, "yes your the hot girl", he said walking off.

"Am the hot girl!" I said to myself, "your the hot girl", Issac said a bit confused, but I walked off with a smile.

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