Chapter 22 - Mexico

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Derek POV:

We got electrocuted more and more, then man (hunter) kept speaking in Spanish and I act like I didn't understand what he is saying. They pulled out a chain saw threatening to cut me in half if we dont tell them what they want to know. "Boys", we heard a voice say stopping the men from cutting off my head.

She walking in with a small weird shape knife, "no hablo es espanol" She says in Spanish telling she knows that I understand what she is saying

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She walking in with a small weird shape knife, "no hablo es espanol" She says in Spanish telling she knows that I understand what she is saying. "Where is the she wolf?" She asked, "we don't know any she wolf", I lied to her.

"I know you won't talk, but this one, he loves the sound of his own voice", she said turning to Peter with a smirk. "You should hear me sing", Peter told her, I rolled my eyes at him, "we want to hear you scream", the guy said. "No one never wants to hear me sing", Peter said looking at me.

The woman brought her knife near his eyes, that caused Peter claws to come out. She cut off his finger, the one beside his pinky finger. "I want answers, and am only going to ask....... nine more times", she said walking out of the room throwing Peter's finger on the table with blood running down from it.
Scott POV:

I ran through the woods with flashlight in my hand looking for Malia, all of a sudden I crash into someone, we both scream. It's just Stilies, "I think Madison and I found something", he told me, "me too", I say. I following him back to where he left Madison, we ended up in a small cave.

"Took you long enough, my dad been calling me for the last half hour", she told us. "It's a coyote den", Stilies said ignoring her, "weir coyote", I told him. He took up a jacket and said "this must be Malia's, she was wearing this in the photo", "OK bye dad, well am grounded, and I have to go home, bye guys", Madison said leaving us. When she got to the entrance of the cave she said "oh and Stilies am still going to kill you", she smiled sweetly and ran off.

We called Stilies dad and explained to him that the coyote is Malia, he didn't believe at first but he made us keep quite about it. But I kept seeing myself killing Malia, but then Mr. Tate arrived, then my dad arrived. They began to argued about the case, so we went home.

The next day

Stilies POV:

At school, Alison, Scott and I look on a map of the forest so we can find Malia. "I think your right about her not going back to the den, coyote hates wolves and they are smart, if the don't want to be heard they walk on their toes", Alison told us. "Can we use tip toe?" I asked, she rolled her eyes and said "yes, you can use tip toe, Madison can't help us cause she is grounded", she said.

The bell rang for class and Alison went to her class leaving us, I took a seat. But the new girl Kira approach Scott, "hi am Kira, but you already knew that, I have something for you", she said. "For me?" Scott ask, as she went into her bag pack.

Scott POV:

Kira research in her bag but couldn't find it, "you didn't have to do that", I told her. "It only took a couple hours", she said, I was shock, "then you really didn't have to do that" I said. "Kira, here is the work you printed out for that boy you like" he dad said walking up behind her smiling. She handed it to me but couldn't make eye contact with me, she eventually look up and I gave her a small smile.

The bell rang so class began, I went through the papers Kira gave me. But something felt wrong, I look up and saw Stilies looking like he is about to faint. "Stilies are you OK?" I asked getting out of my seat, I took him to the bathroom. He kept on saying its dream, we count to ten for him to realise that he isn't dreaming.

Madison POV:

I finished using the bathroom so I wash my hand and looked at myself in the mirror. "What are you doing here?" I asked without looking from the mirror to see who is standing at the door. "I need your help to rescue Derek", she said, I turn around and face Branden. "I can't help, I can't even help my friends", I told her sadly, "why not?" She asked confused. "My dad grounded me", I told her, she rolled her eyes at me and threw a mk 47 in my hand.

"Daddy can't ground you where we going", she said, I smirk and went to my locker and collected my weapons from my locker. I could of swear I saw a coyote went around the corner, 😕😕😕😕😕 I guess not, then I left with Braden. We arrived in Mexico to save Derek from the worst hunting family ever, the Calaveras.

Derek POV:

"Can you put some ice on that?" Peter asked the man with the gun sitting in front of us. The man smirked looking at Peter's cut off finger, Peter kept talking until we heard gun shots. The man got up and fired shots into the wooden ceiling, then the door bust opened.

In walked Branden and Madison?! What the hell?! Madison took the gun from the guy and knock him out cold

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In walked Branden and Madison?! What the hell?! Madison took the gun from the guy and knock him out cold. She and Branden walked up to us with smirks on their faces, "your the one that saved Issac?" I asked. "I was the one hired to save Issac", she told us as she cut me loose, "so someone hired you and you (Madison) to save us?" Peter asked.

"No, I was hired to save Derek, you I can leave you for dead", she told us, "please let's leave him", Madison begged immediately. "Who hired you?" I asked, "and when am I getting paid?" Madison asked. We both look at her, she held her hand up and said "sorry I forgot I wasn't hired, nice finger Peter", smirking.

"Deucalion", Branden said, "the guy that did that to your face?" Peter asked, "a girl got to eat", she and Madison said at the same time. Peter took up his finger immediately when he saw Madison pointing her gun at it. "Let's get out of before am grounded for another month", Madison said, "am not leaving without it" I told her, "without what?" Braden asked.

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