Chapter 35 - Liam

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Scott POV:

After morning practice Stilies and I waited on Liam in the locker room. "How did you get so good?" Stilies asked him, "I practice a lot" Liam answer. "You weren't here last school year" I said, "I got transfer from Denver Prep" he said. His heart skip a beat he just lied, "you got kicked out, did you?" I asked.

"Transfer! Kicked out does it matter?" He asked, "yeah or probably you been taking walks in the woods on a full mo-" I put my hand over Stilies mouth immediately. "My dad use to play and he was captain just like you Scott" Liam said and walked away from us.

I went to my locker and Stilies went off somewhere, Kira, Lydia and Malia joined me at my locker. Stilies ran up to us "a family was just murder by and axe murderer" he said. "I know, my mom call and told me" I said, "OK let's go" he said walking off. He realised that we weren't following him so he turn back, "aren't you coming?" He asked, "your dad can handle it, it's not supernatural" I told him.

"Do you hear your self?" He asked, "I mean, your dad is the sheriff" Kira said, "and we have econ in five minutes" I told him. Lydia, Kira and Malia has biology, and Stilies and I have econ. "An axe murderer is on the loose and you want to go to class?" He asked in disbelief, we shake our heads at him.

"I never heard of anything more irresponsible in my life" he said walking away from us. Malia and Lydia walk off to class leaving Kira and I alone, "see you at practice!" I yelled to Stilies, he wave me off. I gave Kira a quick kiss goodbye and went to class, I took my seat and realized that I just kissed her, "oh god".

              *** After School ***

Lydia POV:

Malia, Kira and I sat in the stands as we watch the boys have lacrosse tryouts practice. So I decided to video call Madison, "hello to my favorite banshee" she said, she looks like she is walking. "Am the only banshee you know" I told her, she rolled her eyes, "I swear to god I'll kill you if you go anywhere near my bike!" She yelled at someone.

"New bike?" I asked, "yeah, I sold my old bike and my car" she said pouting. "Hey Lydia!" Issac said coming on the screen stand behind Madison. "Hi Issac!" I said, Madison pushed him away from her and rolled her eyes. "So what are you up to?" She asked, "watching lacrosse tryouts" I told her.

"Oh, am trying out for my school's girl lacrosse team this Friday, Jackson is helping me practice" she told me. "Jackson?" I asked shocked. "Yeah, your ex boyfriend Jackson, but if your not OK with it I don't have to practice with him" she said. "It's fine, am over Jackson" I told her, "well I have to go I have to ride home now, bye, bye Kira and Malia!" She shouted at the end.

"Bye!" We all said, then I hang up and caught the end of Malia's and Kira's conversation. "Guys am going home, I'll see you tomorrow" I told them. I gather my things and went home to finish my homework.
Stilies POV:

Try outs began again, coach made Scott and I go up against the other guys. Two on one, we knock down every, but when we got to Liam he got pass us. "That was luck! Do over!" Malia yelled from the bleachers, "this is practice, there isn't any do over's!" Coach yelled back. "10 bucks on Scott and Stilies" she said, "I'll take that, again boys!" Coach yelled.

I crashed in Liam but he got past me and he crashed into Scott and getting injured. He cried out in pain, so we brought him to the hospital. "Hey.... mom" Scott said when he saw his mom at the front desk. "What did you do?" She asked when she saw Liam, "lacrosse injury" I said. We place Liam in a wheelchair, "it's broken isn't it?" Liam asked talking about his leg.

"We have to wait for the doctor", mama McCall told him, then she wheeled him off to a room. "Hey I don't have to tell you this isn't your fault? because it isn't" I told Scott. "It feel like it is" he said, "hey, if you had use your alpha powers on him, he would be crashed right now, it isn't your fault" I told him.

He sign, and ran his hand through his hair, "OK" he said. "I'll see you later, I promised Malia I would help her study" I told him. Then I left the hospital to study with Malia.

             *** Few Hours Later ***

Scott POV:

I waited outside of Liam's room (still at the hospital) for the results on his leg. Then my phone rang, it's Lydia, "hey Lydia" I answered. "Scott I found a list of supernatural all in Becan Hills" she said, "OK, so there's a list so what?" I asked. "It's a dead pool, the family that was killed by an axe murderer is apart of it, but one was saved, his name is Sean Wolcott, he is at the hospital, you have to get to the hospital Scott!" She said.

"Am already at the hospital" I told her, "find him, or he'll be killed" she said. I hang up and ran off to find him, I asked at the front desk for him. Only to find out he is with my mom, I ran to his room, to see he was about to attack her. I roar at him and he ran off, I went to my mom to find out if she's OK.
Liam POV:

As I lay up in the hospital bed I heard noises outside the room, I got up to look. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out, but no answer. So I limp (leg still injured) a little away from my room to find anyone. All of a sudden a boy with blood all over his hospital grown ran up to me and pulled me all the way up on the roof.

"Sean, you don't have to do this let him go" I heard Scott's voice say behind us. "You have no idea what its like to be a wendigo!" He yelled. What the hell is a wendigo?! All of a sudden I was thrown over the building edge and I had to hold on.

I saw Scott glowing red eyes, fangs and side burns? What the hell is he?. I began to slip as he and that Sean guy fight, I screamed out in pain. He bit me, Scott bit me!

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