Chapter 31 - taken

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Scott POV:

We (Stilies and I) ran off the station when we found out that a bomb went off there. When we got there some of the officers where injured, "Scott you got to help them" Stilies said. I held one of the injured officer hand and took away his pain, but he died seconds later. "Madison are you OK?" I heard Stilies ask, I look up and saw Madison holding her bleeding hand.

"Am fine, I don't heal like a true hunter anymore" she said signing, I walked over to her and tried to take away the pain. Key word try, "it's not working" I told her, "that's cause it doesn't hurt Scott, I lost feeling in my hand half an hour ago" she said with a small smile. "Scott look" Stilies said pointing to another police officer on the ground in pain.

I took away the officers pain, but he died seconds later too, soon Kira ran in. "Scott the suns going down, we have to protect Stilies" she said worrily. "Am going home, I have to get back some feeling in my hands" Madison said. Kira, Stilies and I drove to the clinic to protect Stilies from the oni.
Madison POV:

          *** Few Hours Later ***

After I bandage my hand that is slowly healing I hears the door bell. Who could it be at this time? It's like after 4 in the morning, I open the door to see Stilies. He has on this weird smirk on his face, I grab him by his shirt pulling him inside. "You do realized that it's still dark out? The oni are still after you!" I yelled at him.

"You have so much power, your a walking power source" he said creepily, "thanks Stilies, what are you doing here?" I asked confused. Then Stilies asked "what gets bigger the more you take away?" Like dude the answer is obvious "A hole" I answered. "What gets wetter the more it dries?" He asked, what is with him and riddles all of a sudden? "A towel" I answered. "When is a door not a door?" He asked, shit! It isn't Stilies! "When it's ajar, and I know your not Stilies, Nogitsune!" I told him.

He step towards me and I took a step back, "you may not be a true hunter anymore, but I still have the skill of one" I told him pulling out my ring dagger. "You will be taken and give me the power to cause caios, fear, and pain foever" he said. "I'll never give you power!" I yelled at him, "if your unconscious you have no other choice" he said, then everything went black.

*** Morning ***

Lydia POV:

Stilies ticked us all and has taken Madison, they managed to catch him. Dean gave him kanima venom to paralyze his body, but they duct taped his mouth. We call Peter over to find away to find Madison and save Stilies, when he arrived I had to tell peter that he has a daughter name Malia.

I sat beside Stilies on the coach

for Scott to tap into both of us minds to save Stilies

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for Scott to tap into both of us minds to save Stilies. "What if this is a trick?" Scott asked, "you have to learn to trust me" Peter said. "I was talking about him" Scott said pointing to Stilies, "oh", I shake my head, Peter's an idiot. (A/N: I is too lazy to write what happened when they saves the real Stilies out of the nogitsune).

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