Chapter 17 - alive

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Madison POV:

I picked him up off the ground and lay him down in the passenger seat. I drove him to his loft immediately, maybe Peter (as much as I hate him) will be there to take care of him. When we arrived at his loft it wasn't hard to left him up cause of the true hunter strength.

I got him clean up since he was unconscious most of the time, so seeing Derek Hale bare chest was on my Christmas list, I can cross it off now. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
He didn't have any first aid, so all I could do was clean off the blood of him. I stood at the window looking out, wait on him to wake up "What happened?" He woke up asking, "you got blood all over my car window that's what happened" I told him rolling my eyes. "Scott?" He asked as he tried to get up, I gentle pushed him back down and said "Scott is fine, he is currently on a school trip".

 "Scott?" He asked as he tried to get up, I gentle pushed him back down and said "Scott is fine, he is currently on a school trip"

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"Why didn't you go?" He asked, "am not apart of the cross country", I told him. He tried to get up again saying need to go after Deucalion, "I may have stopped being in the supernatural world, but am guessing Deucalion is the bad guy, and am the only one here who can protect you since your down", I told him. "Am not down", he said as he groan in pain, I rolled my eyes at him, guys and their egos, geez.

 "Am not down", he said as he groan in pain, I rolled my eyes at him, guys and their egos, geez

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"Derek as much as I hate you, I don't want you to die, I can't lose anyone else", I told him. "You need to leave, everyone around me gets hurt", he said sadly. "I get hurt even if am not around anyone, and I know you won't let me get hurt, aome times I think: what if I never moved here? I think if I never did that Matt would probably be alive and I wouldn't have gotten my heart broken. I know it's hard to watch everyone around you get hurt, I watch my family die too and my boyfriend that I loved, that's kind of the reason why I told everyone to leave me out of the supernatural world, so I don't have to watch anyone I love die anymore. We may hate each other Derek, but I can't lose you either, so please don't go after Deucalion, I can't watch you die, please don't go your apart of my pack", I told him. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

We just kept on steering into each others eyes until he lean in and crashed his lips onto mines, I was shocked at first but I kissed back wanting him with a great need, but taking my time not to hurt him cause of the huge claw marks on his stomach.

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