Chapter 57 - relics

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Lydia POV:

We got Jordon Parrish to run a check on the jeep and to our surprise it belongs to Claudia Stilinski. The sheriff's wife, Scott and I went to their house to question them about it. Maybe it's connected to Stilies some way, Madison went home to see if she can remember her baby.

We question them for awhile until I saw a woman standing in the hall way. "Can I use the bathroom?" I asked, "yeah, it's down the hall to your right" Claudia Stilinski said. I walked down the hall and saw the woman again, "who are you?" I asked. She lean up against the walk then disappeared, I stood in front the wall and just steered at it. It felt like these something behind it, I just know it. I began to tear off the wall paper when Claudia grab my hand, "what are you doing?" She asked.

Understatement of the year was we got kicked out, and now we have to find Mr. Stilinski dad. Maybe he can lead us to Stilies, so we went to Madison's apartment to see if she has found anything. The door was open so we step in, "Madison!" Scott yelled, hoping she wasn't taken. "In here!" We heard her yelled, we went into a smaller bedroom that is completely empty. "What are you doing in here?" I asked, "this room, I don't remember being in here, but all of out scent is here, except for Malia's" she said.

"I smell it too" Scott said, "what was in this room?" I asked, "I thing this was the baby's room, why else would I have a three bedroom apartment instead of just two?" Madison asked. "We'll figure it out I promise, but tonight we're going to a nursing home" Scott told her. So later that night, Malia, Scott and I broke into the nursing home. Madison being the goodie to shoe decided to wait in the car. Malia knocked out the nurses and then we found grandpa Stilinski in a room by his self.

"Are you here to give me my medicine?" He asked, "do we look like we're here to give you your medicine?" Malia asked him rudely. "Are you here to give me my medicine?" He asked again, that's when it hit me. "Guys he have dementia" I told them, "going into his mind and find Stilies" Malia told Scott. "I might kill him" he told her, "then I'll do it" Malia said pulling out her claws. "Young lady you need to clip your nails" grandpa Stilinski told her. The sun went down and his real state of mind set in so we asked him questions but dead end. Until we got busted by sheriff Stilinski and other deputies. The nursing that Malia knocked out woke up and called the cops on us.

Maybe Stilies isn't real, but I can feel it, he is real. We went to school and got through the day, but we could see the school population going down. More people are being taken, we need to stop the wild hunt.

Stilies POV:

I have been here for what feel like hours, Peter is here too. Yeah, Peter Hale is here too, he was taken too, and Tori is here too. They make me feel less lonely here, and I know Tori miss here mom. But I know for sure Madison doesn't remember her, she's forgotten just like me. A guy already tried to go though the portal to get out of here, but he died trying. I found a room that looks like a radio station, I got the communication to work.

"Hello?" I said into it, "hello?" I heard Scott voice say, "oh god Scott is that you?" I asked. "Yeah, am here with Madison, Malia and Lydia, Stilies is that really you?" He asked. "Yeah its me, I have your daughter Madison" I said smiling down at sleeping Tori in my arms. "Oh god! She's real" I heard Madison said, she sounds like she's crying. "Stilies, tell us where you are so we can come get you guys" Scott said, "you can't find us, but go to cannon, find cannon Scott" I told him. Then the communication stop working, maybe there's hope after all.

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