Diagon Alley...

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Narrator's POV

The next morning, Tom and Harry woke up earlier than usual and followed the directions to the Leaky Cauldron the acceptance letters had given them.

Once they had politely asked the very young innkeeper, who was also named Tom, to show them how to open the no-so-secret entrance, they looked upon the wizard alleyway in utter awe.

"First stop is the bank, right?" Harry asked

"Yes, let's go." Tom answered, taking Harry's hand and walking to the bank

Once they entered the bank, they heard a deep voice ask "Can I help you boys?"

"Yes, we were wondering if we had any vaults here for us." Harry answered, barely shocked that the teller was a goblin

Harry supposed a normal person would be shocked to see a goblin, but until that man showed up they had only had a vague idea of real magic.

"Follow me, please." The goblin said, leading them into a office

Once they entered the small office, the goblin said —after setting down two sheets of paper— "Please, prick your finger on this needle and drop some blood onto the parchment please."

Tom went first, he took the needle from the goblin's hand and let a singlet drop fall onto the sheet.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle

Tom William Riddle (Father, Alive)
Merope Kira Riddle née Gaunt (Mother, Deceased)

Gaunt - #546
Slytherin - #225

Wizengamot Seats:

Blood Statue:

"Well then, Mr. Riddle, I am your account manger, Silverchain." Silverchain said, "I assume you are a parselmouth."

That certainly caught both boys off guard.

"Don't worry," Silverchain soothed, "Gringotts doesn't tell. Your ancestor, Salazar Slytherin, left it in his will that only his heirs who could speak parseltongue can have access to the Slytherin Vault. And it's a good thing too."

"Why?" Tom asked, curious

"Your grandfather, Marvolo Gaunt, has spent almost all the money in there is in the Gaunt Vault, but the Slytherin Vault is still overflowing." Silverchain grinned

To that, Harry followed in suit and pricked his finger over the other parchment.

"Harry James Potter

James Fleamont Potter (Father, Deceased)
Lily Ann Potter née Evans (Mother, Deceased)

Peverell - #128
Gryffindor - #224
Potter - #687
Evans - #1378

Wizengamot Seats:

Blood Statue:

"It seems that destiny smiles upon you both, because it seems that I'm in charge of both of your accounts." Silverchain said

"Well then, we'd like to make a withdrawal." Harry told the goblin

"Very well then, follow me." Silverchain said, leading them to a rail cart

The rail cart started moving down once they entered, it made many twists and turns until the reached Vault 687: the Potter Vault.

"Since you do not have a key, Mr. Potter, we will make one for you, it will be ready when we get back to the lobby and it will open all of your vaults." Silverchain said, opening Harry's vault and handing the boy a pouch

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