The Knights of Walpurgis...

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Narrator's POV

Several days later, Harry and Tom found themselves in the Restricted Section of the Library with their group of 'followers', which they had dubbed 'the Knights of Walpurgis' which consisted of: Abraxas Malfoy, the boy from that day in the library; Vincent LeStrange, a pale boy with curly, black hair and brown eyes; Tadeus Nott, a pale boy with messy, brown hair and brown eyes; Druella Rosier, a pale girl with long, blonde hair and dark blue eyes; Ludwig Avery, a pale, blond boy with brown eyes; Waylon Mulciber, pale boy with brown hair and blue eyes; and Antonin Dolohov, a tan boy with shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes.

While looking around, Harry found a book titled, "Dark Arts Encyclopedia", pulled it out, and took it to a table were Tom was sitting with the others.

Tom opened the book and began to carefully flip through the pages, eventually he came to a page titled, "The Unforgivables".

"The Unforgivables, this is extremely Dark stuff." Ludwig muttered, intrigued

"The Killing Curse.

Incantation: Avada Kedavra.

Pronunciation: uh-VAH-duh kuh-DAH-vruh.

Description: Causes instant and painless death.

The incantation of Avada Kedavra causes a blindingly intense green bolt of light to shoot from the end of the caster's wand, which, on contact with the victim, results in instant death. There are no secondary effects; the victim simply 'drops dead' for no biological reason. It is possible that the victim's internal organs cease function. However, it seems to be more likely that the method of killing is due to the soul of the victim being magically ripped from their body.  Muggle coroners would be unable to find a cause of death in such an attack, but the Ministry of Magic recognises the signs of the curse. It was made Unforgivable in 1717 by Ministry of Magic."

"The big, bad Killing Curse." Tadeus muttered

"The Cruciatus Curse.

Incantation: Crucio.

Pronunciation: KROO-see-oh.

Description: Inflicts excruciating pain on the recipient of the curse (tortures them).

The Cruciatus Curse, which inflicts excruciating pain upon the victim, requires the verbal incantation and the use of a wand. The effects of the curse depend upon the desires and emotions of the caster —to produce the excruciating pain implied by the name, one must, according to accomplished caster, desire to cause pain purely for its own sake. The extreme pain inflicted by the curse makes it uniquely suited as a form of torture. It was made Unforgivable in 1717 by Ministry of Magic."

"Nice." Vincent cackled, the LeStrange insanity beginning to show

"The Controlling Curse.

Incantation: Imperio.

Pronunciation: im-PAIR-ee- oh.

Description: Causes the victim to perform the unquestioned bidding of the caster.

The Imperius Curse places the victim in a trance or dreamlike state, leaving him or her under the complete control of the caster. The experience is described as a 'wonderful release' from any sense of responsibility. The victim is calm, from doing things they would be physically incapable of otherwise, to committing horrible crimes, and they obey any order. It is also seen that the curse works on animals. This spell was made Unforgivable in 1717."

"Interesting." Druella whispered, reading it again

"What happened in 1717 to make this spells illegal?" Tom asked

"The Salem Witch Trials happened in America. This small town of Muggles in America killed over 200 witches and wizards that lived there in 1692 and 1693, so other magicals began to retaliate and Muggles were killed. So America formed 'the Magical Congress of the United States of America' to take control and stopping a war from happening and they outlawed the spell in 1694. The rest of the world followed their example, so England followed in suite and outlawed the spells in 1717." Abraxas answered

"We should take this." Harry whispered in Tom's ear

"The librarian will notice it missing." Tom replied

"Then copy it, we've already read ahead in our textbooks, Tom." Harry explained

To that, Tom pulled out his wand and pointed it at the book, "Geminio"

A perfect copy of the book appeared and Harry put it in the original's spot and the original in his bag, and the Slytherins then quietly crept down the school's hallways and back into their dorms.


As the group of Slytherins crept into bed, inside of the Gryffindor Head-of-House's bedroom, a figure snuck into the room.

Without looking up, Albus addressed the figure, "It's been awhile, Gellert."

"I know, Albus." Gellert admitted, throwing back his hood to reveal his long, dirty-blond locks, "But the vampires in Transylvania took time to convince to join my Hallows."

Albus ran a hand through his own long, reddish-brown locks, "I know, the entire world knows, Gellert, you're in the papers

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Albus ran a hand through his own long, reddish-brown locks, "I know, the entire world knows, Gellert, you're in the papers."

"I know, I know." Gellert acknowledged, "But, I'll make it up to you, Albus."

"How?" Dumbledore asked his lover

"I found Mykew Gregorovitch, the wandmaker, and I broke into his home and I found it." Gellert exclaimed

"What did you find?" Albus asked, confused

"The Elder Wand, Albus, I found the bloody Elder Wand." Gellert explained

"Show me." Dumbledore ordered

Gellert opened his bag, revealing the long wand from the children's story, "I present to you the First of the three Deathly Hallows. We are now one step closer to completing our goal, Albus."

Dumbledore smiled, "For the greater good!"...

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