The Hogwarts Tournament...

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Narrator's POV

A week later, Slytherin was holding try-outs for the team.

"Hello everyone, my name is Neil Lament and I'm the Slytherin Qudditch Team Captain." Neil Lament greeted, "And all of you are here for one reason: to be the new team Seeker."

Neil pulled a Golden Snitch out of his pocket and held it in his hand, "Who ever catches this gets the spot."

With that, Neil released it and the four people trying out for the Seeker position went after it.

Harry flew higher than the other three Slytherins, and a small golden gleam caught his eye, smirking, he went after it.

Orion Black, another person trying out, saw Potter go after what he assumed was the Snitch and followed the smaller boy.

But, as fast and talented on a broom Orion was, Harry proved he was faster by catching the Snitch before Orion could catch up.

From the ground, looking up, Neil said, "It seems like Harry Potter is our new Seeker."


"Grindlewald Spotted in Germany.

Dark Lord Gellert Grindlewald was spotted in Muggle Berlin, Germany.

The German Ministry of Magic claims that they have had no contact with the Dark Lord, but no one knows what he's doing.

Reminder to stay safe during this war and that we will update you as we know.

Maria Skeeter, Special Correspond to the Daily Prophet."


"There is a game that the founder's created, students, many years ago called 'The Hogwarts Tournament'. There will be four tasks, spaced throughout the school year, and they will test the champions in many different ways. Their daring, their powers of deduction, their navigation, and their ability to cope with danger. As you know, 112 champions compete in the tournament, four from each year from each House. They will be marked on how well they perform each of the Tournament tasks and the one group of champions with the highest total after task four will win the Tournament and one bottle of Felix Felicis each. The champions will be chosen by their Head-of-House. Aspiring champions have one hour in which to put their names forward. After dinner, the heads will say who is chosen to complete. The entering of your tournament constitutes a binding, magical contract. There can be no change of heart once you have become a champion. Please be very sure, therefore, that you are wholeheartedly prepared to play before you give your name." Headmaster Dippet announced

Tom and Harry glanced at each other: the tournament didn't interest them, but that prize of four bottles of liquid luck certainly did.

After dinner, the Heads-of-House gave the names of their competitors.

Harry and Tom didn't pay a attention to the younger or older students names, but they listened to their year's.

"For Gryffindor Second Years, it will be: Rubeus Hagrid, Minerva McGonagall, Sheldon Longbottom, and Septimus Weasley." Professor Dumbledore said

"For Hufflepuff Second Years it will be: Randolph Prewett, Augusta Greengrass, Ella Nightly, and Alex Clyde." Professor Merrythought said

"For Ravenclaw Second Years it will be: Myrtle Warren, Courtney Geary, Mary Calls, and Ashly Test." Professor Binns said

"For Slytherin Second Years it will be: Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, Abraxes Malfoy, and Ignatius Prewett." Professor Slughorn said

"Good luck all competitors." Headmaster Dippet smiled, "May the best house win."

And so it shall...

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