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Narrator's POV

And with Slytherin as the winners of the Hogwarts Tournament, school life continued.

Abraxes, Ignatius, Harry and Tom all stored their winnings away in their trunks for safe keeping.


After class on Friday, the Knights of Walpurgis found themselves in the Library doing homework.

Suddenly needing to use the restroom, Harry walked out to go to the nearest one.

Once completing his business, Harry made his way out just to bump into Hagrid.

"Sorry, I didn't see you." Harry apologized, reattempting to leave

"Ye w'n the tou'ment, didn' ye?" Hagrid asked, catching Harry's attention again

"I did, what about it?" Harry questioned

Hagrid didn't reply, choosing to punch Harry in the face instead.

Harry didn't have any time to defend himself when the huge first hit him on the nose and knocked him harshly to the ground.

As soon as the hit landed, Hagrid ran off, leaving Harry's nose covered in blood.


After Harry didn't come back for several minutes, Tom started to get antsy.

Deciding that enough was enough, he went to see what the problem was with his love.

When he entered the boy's restroom, he saw his boyfriend on the ground with his lower face covered in blood.

"What happened?" Tom asked, helping Harry up

"Ran into Hagrid, apparently he's bitter that we won and he lost the tournament." Harry answered as Tom began to lead him out of the restroom and towards the Hospital Wing

Once they entered the infirmary, Madam Smithson —the healer— quickly tended to Harry.

Once the blood was cleaned up, Madam Smithson asked, "What happened."

"Hagrid punched me." Harry pouted

"Why would Mr. Hagrid do that?" Madam Smithson asked

"I guess he was jealous that I won the tournament and he didn't." Harry frowned

"You poor boy, he's broken your nose." Madam Smithson sympathized, "You two stay here and I'll go get Headmaster Dippet and Professor Dumbledore."

Several minutes later she returned with the two males and Hagrid in tow.

Madam Smithson spoke to Headmaster Dippet, "As you can see, Headmaster, Mr. Hagrid has broken Mr. Potter's nose over a petty tournament. His face was completely covered in blood when Mr. Riddle brought him in here."

Headmaster Dippet looked at Hagrid in disappointment, "Mr. Hagrid, is that true? Did you punch Mr. Potter in the face because he won the tournament that you lost?"

Hagrid looked down in shame, "Ye', He'dmast'r."

"Will Mr. Potter's injury be easy to mend, Madam?" Dumbledore asked

"It will, but Mr. Hagrid did break a rule by intentionally harming another student." Madam Smithson replied

"Mr. Hagrid's punishment will be that he cannot play Qudditch or visit Hogsmeade for the rest of the time that he attends this school." Headmaster Dippet decided

The two male teachers and Hagrid left and Madam Smithson mended Harrys broken nose.


Soon enough, the school year ended and all the students left the school for the summer.

Once off Platform 9 3/4, Harry and Tom made their way back into Wool's Orphanage.

Within a few minutes they were back in their room and Harry wiggled a loose brick out of place to let Nagini come and go as she pleased.

And once Nagini was gone Pan came in, "Hello, Speakers."

Pan, though having knowledge of the magical world, preferred the Muggle one, so she stayed here.

"Hello, Pan." Harry and Tom greeted

"Did our servants behave while we were away?" Tom asked,talking about Amy and Dennis

"They haven't said anything they're not supposed to." Pan replied, as Nagini reslithered in

"Good." Harry laughed, Dennis and Amy would have their uses eventually, once they figured out how

Summer would be interesting, even with the war going on, but how they could not yet say...

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