The Chamber of Secrets...

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Narrator's POV

The summer quickly ended as quickly as it began and both boys found themselves on the Hogwarts Express.

The Knights of Walpurgis quickly joined them, but no one spoke during the train ride.


The first few days of Fifth Year was pretty boring as the teachers inform reed them of the O.W.L.S. they would take at the end of the year.

But that Saturday, Harry and Tom (the Knights were clueless in the fact that they were looking for/found the Chamber)  made their way to the Girl's First Floor Lavatory and entered the Chamber of Secrets.

Sliding down the slide entrance, they entered a cave and saw a door that had snakes carved on it and approached it.

Once there, Harry attempted to push it open but it was locked, so Tom muttered, "Open."

The door did so and Tom and Harry made their way into a room that seemed to be flooded except for a small platform —that had statues of snakes surrounding it— that led to a statue of a bearded man

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The door did so and Tom and Harry made their way into a room that seemed to be flooded except for a small platform —that had statues of snakes surrounding it— that led to a statue of a bearded man.

The door did so and Tom and Harry made their way into a room that seemed to be flooded except for a small platform —that had statues of snakes surrounding it— that led to a statue of a bearded man

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In amazement, they carefully walked down the slippery, stone path to the statue and Harry just stood there in complete shock while Tom was blank-faced.

"We did it." Harry breathed in amazement

"Yes, we did." Tom confirmed, placing one hand on Harry's hip and kissing him

" Tom confirmed, placing one hand on Harry's hip and kissing him

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