Dumbledore's Tale...

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Narrator's POV

Even though school had been canceled for the rest of the year, the Weasley family had been moved to Hogwarts for Ron's 'safety'.

On this particular afternoon, Dumbledore called Ron into his office for some reason and when Ron arrived to the whimsical room, he quickly found the Headmaster by a pensieve and Fawkes the Phoenix watching from the desk.

"Ron, my boy, I need to show you something I should have shown you after your sister died." Albus softly said as Ron walked to his side

Dumbledore added a memory and they both dunked their heads into the pensieve and watched the memory.

The two males followed the memory version of Albus through the streets of muggle London into a building labeled "Wool's Orphanage".

When they entered, Memory Albus was met with a plain woman, "How do you do, Madam?"

"Who's this. Headmaster?" Ron asked

"Mrs. Cole, the head of this orphange." Albus answered

"I, myself, am doing quite well, but I must confess to a bit of confusion upon receiving your letter, Mr. Dumbledore. In all the years Harry and Tom have been here, they've never once had a family visitor. Frankly, I was stunned to find that someone knew of their existence." Memory Mrs. Cole replied

"I am not family. But their names has been known to me since birth." Memory Dumbledore explained

"I see." Memory Mrs. Cole said, not dwelling on the thought, "I think I should tell you. They're funny boys. Quite odd. There have been incidents with the other children. Nasty things."

Memory Mrs. Cole didn't explain, as she opened one of the doors that littered the long hallway, "Tom, Harry? You two have got a visitor."

The room was simple: there were two twin beds on either wall; there was a large dresser by the door next to the left bed; between the beds there was a small table; and above the table there was a small window that showed the rain outside.

Memory Harry was sitting on the left bed with knees folded to his chest and he had a worn black book titled "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" in his lap, Memory Tom sat on the right bed with his hands resting in his lap.

"Voldemort and Tenebris." Ron gasped, unconsciously rubbing is shoulder where his arm used to be

"Yes, but at the time I could have never guessed these two boys would become the monstrous Dark Nobles the world now knows." Dumbledore confirmed

"How do you do, boys?" Memory Albus asked, but received no reply

"Well," Memory Mrs. Cole said, breaking the silence, "I'll leave you three to yourselves."

Once the door was closed, Memory Tom looked up and asked, "You're the doctor aren't you?"

"What does he mean 'doctor'?" Ron asked

"Back then, muggleborns and wizard orphans were commonly put in asylums because no one could understand accidental magic in the muggle world." Albus answered

"No." Memory Dumbledore soothed, "I am a Professor."

"I don't believe you. I hear Mrs. Cole talking, her and the rest of the staff. They want us looked at. They think we're different." Memory Tom accused

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