Dark Lord Voldemort...

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Narrator's POV

The next day after classes were over but hours away from dinner, Harry and Tom sat in the Chamber of Secrets office with the portrait of Salazar.

Harry talked with Salazar while Tom wrote furiously into his 'diary' that Professor Slughorn had gifted him for Christmas/Yule, it was made of black leather with Tom's full name written in gold on the back.

Harry excused himself out of the conversation with Salazar —or as Harry had started calling him, Salz—to stand behind Tom and resting his chin on the taller boy's right shoulder, "Whatcha doing?"

"Fashioning myself a new name." Tom replied, not explaining

"Why?" Harry asked

"Because no one would be scared of the Dark Lord Tom." Tom answered, causing Harry to giggle

Harry looked at Tom paper and was intrigued with what he saw:

Harry laughed at the names on the paper, "Most of these names suck, the only one that sounds interesting is that third one

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Harry laughed at the names on the paper, "Most of these names suck, the only one that sounds interesting is that third one."

Tom nodded his head in agreement, "They do. What do you think, love, am I Lord Voldemort?"

"It suits you." Harry commented, "And I could get used to it."

"It's also French." Salazar said, entering the conversation, "It means flight from death."

Harry laughed again, "I bet you feel so smug, Tom."

"I do." Tom replied, pecking a kiss to the unexpecting Harry's lips

"What about me, Dark Lord Harry sounds worst than Dark Lord Tom?" Harry asked, teasing Tom slightly

"I don't know, the thing I did probably won't work with your name so just choose something." Tom shrugged

"Lady Tenebris is a good one." Salazar suggested

"Lady?" Harry questioned

"Officially there can only be one Dark Lord at a time, so Harry would have to be the Dark Lady." Salazar explained

"Has their ever been a team up between Dark Nobles before?" Harry asked

"Nope, mostly because they lived centuries apart." Salazar answered

"Oh." Harry muttered, feeling a little stupid as he pulled the Dark Nobles book out of his bag, turning to the page he was after.

"There are five steps required to become a Dark Noble.

1. Create a goal(s) that you would like to achieve and create a plan on how to do it.

2. Get follwers loyal to your cause.

3. Attempt to get the Public and/or Creature Groups on your side.

4. Take down anyone in your way.

5. Work towards your goal until you succeed or die trying."

"Number one, is probably the easiest, what are our goals honing to be?" Harry asked

"Bring the Wizarding World back to its former glory and remove all the unneeded restrictions." Tom answered

"Number two is complete kinda, we have the Knights of Walpurgis so far." Harry added, But number three is going to be the hard one."

"The purebloods and creatures will be easier than the mass public." Tom commented

"We'll need to identify our targets for number four." Harry pointed out

"We'll succeed eventually, since the horcruxes we are going to make are not going to let us 'die trying'." Tom grinned

"We just need to get away with murder." Harry muttered

"The question isn't how, it's who, love." Tom smirked, his mind already forming a plan...

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