King Azazel...

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Narrator's POV

Since Former-Headmaster Dippet declined Tom for the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts, the Dark Nobles decided to work on Step 3.5 of the requirements while the Death Eaters recruited family members.

"There are five steps required to become a Dark Noble.

1. Create a goal(s) that you would like to achieve and create a plan on how to do it.

2. Get follwers loyal to your cause.

3. Attempt to get the Public and/or Creature Groups on your side.

4. Take down anyone in your way.

5. Work towards your goal until you succeed or die trying."

There were twelve types of creatures that were classified as beings native to Wizarding England: vampires, veela, werewolves, goblins, merfolk, centaurs, giants, nymphs, fey, Dementors, Will-o'-the-Wisps aka Hinkypunks, and Gorgons.

They decided that vampires would be the first they would contact.


The couple entered the system of caves that housed most of the English Vampires and three male vampires led them to their leader.

"Vello, Întuneric Nobilime, Vy vam Azazel Delacroix, Ving of Vampires." The Vampire King greeted

"Hello, King of Darkness, we come to you today to ask why you to join our cause

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"Hello, King of Darkness, we come to you today to ask why you to join our cause." Lady Tenebris asked

"Vhat van vou give us that the Light cannot? Vrindlewald came to vus vith valse vromises, vhy vhould vou be any different?" The Vampire King asked

"Your race's rights. The Ministry, even if you side with them, they will not grant you the rights your species deserves. But, we, on the other hand, will. The point of this oncoming war is to right the wrongs of the Light, to give all of the different species of magical beings the same rights as the witches and wizards. The Light has forced your clan into hiding, when you should be free to come and go as you please." Lord Voldemort answered

"And Grindlewald never had any intention of fulfilling his promises, all he wanted was your numbers. But, his goal was for his own selfish gain, we plan ti restore magic to its former glory, and magic included creatures." Lady Tenebris added

"Vy vill vhink this over, vy vill contact vou in the morning with my choice." Azazel said "Jenna, vake the Wizards to the guest rooms."

Jenna, a short girl in a black dress, led them to two separate lavish bedroom.


Hours later, Harry sat on a chair in his guest bedroom reading a book when the door opened.

Looking up, he saw the tall, handsome form of King Azazel.

"Vou are very intelligent, Vady Tenebris." Azazel commented, walking to stand near the sitting Dark Lady, "It adds to vour angelic apvearance."

"Thank you, your majesty." Lady Tenebris blushed

"A verfect personality and a verfect vind rolled into a verfect package." Azazel flirted, kissing the Dark Lady's hand, "Vill vou be my Queen?"

"You are very kind,"Lady Tenebris started, glancing at a silver ring on his left hand, "but I'm spoken for."

King Azazel chuckled, "Vord Voldemort vis a vucky, vucky man to have somvun vike vou at his side."

The Vampire King left the room to that, leaving the stunned Dark Noble behind.


The Dark Noble pair entered the vampire's throne room the following morning.

"Vy accept vour offer and my clan vill fight for vou both." Azazel told them

"We will not disappoint you, your highness." Lady Tenebris smiled

To that, the couple apparated away, their new plan one-twelfth complete...

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