Grindlewald Defeated...

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Narrator's POV

Albus chucked in the empty field he stood in, across from him stood his secret lover and partner, Dark Lord Gellert Grindlewald.

Why were they in this field you might ask?

They had decided to go through the next stage of their plan, of course, since they hadn't found even a hint of the Invisibility Cloak or the Resurrection Stone's location in the past six and half years since Gellert found the Elder Wand.

And to the world, this day of August 2, 1945 would go down in history as the day Albus Dumbledore defeated Dark Lord Grindlewald.

Or so they would think.

And so they began to 'fight' by throwing spells and hexes at each other —purposefully missing— but to anyone on the sidelines it would look like a major duel.

After around twenty minutes, Albus cashed "Pertificus Totalus" at his partner-in-crime, thus freezing him until the Ministry arrived.

Upon the group of Aurours arrival, Albus told them their cover-story and within minutes Gellert was 'locked' into the prison he had created, Nurmengard.


"Dark Lord Gellert Grindlewald: Defeated.

Yesterday, August 2, 1945, Transfiguration Teacher, Albus Dumbledore defeated Gellert Grindlewald.

How did the Hogwarts teacher ever come into contact with the Dark Lord, you might ask dear reader.

Well, Albus was wondering the forest near his family's ancestral home in Godric's Hollow when he came across the Dark Lord who he believes was searching for the fabled Nymph King.

The pair dueled for little less than half and hour when fatigue began to weaken the Dark Noble when Albus had the opportunity to strike him.

Gellert will now be spending the rest of his life in the prison he created, Nurmengard, with absolutely no human contact.

The magic drilled into the walls will keep him alive without food nor water and will keep him from dying of sickness and committing suicide.

So, at the age of  62, the Dark Lord has roughly 88 years of life left based on the average lifespan of a German Wizard.

Minister of Magic Leonard Spencer-Moon has awarded Albus with the title of Headmaster of Hogwarts —replacing Armando Dippet— and with an intonation into the Order of Merlin, First Class.

The Wizarding World has finally returned to peace after decades of fighting!

Maria Skeeter, Special Correspond to the Daily Prophet."


That day in the morning, Hedwig flew into the dining room of Riddle Manor with the newest Daily Prophet tucked into her talons.

Dropping the paper in between the two Dark Nobles, she flew back into the office and onto her perch by the window.

Back at the table, Tom opened the paper and was surprised at the headline, "Hmmm. Looks like someone defeated Grindlewald, love."

Within a few seconds, he read the next sentence, "What? How?"

"Spencer-Moon did what?" Tom spat, reading the second to last line

Under his breath, Harry mumbled, "Moon has the time to give an incompetent teacher the role as Headmaster, but doesn't have the time to reinstate a pregnancy law?"

This revelation changed things...

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