James and Lily Potter...

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Narrator's POV

Lily and James Potter were graduating from Hogwarts and about to be married in the May of 1925 when the war against Grindelwald began.

In the November of 1926, they were famous Aurours fighting against the Dark Wizard when they learned Lily was pregnant.

Because of that, Lily was allowed to go on maternity leave while James continued to fight.

When she went into labor early in the morning on July 31, 1927, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy that they named Harry.

Once Harry was born, they consulted a seer to learn if they would survive the war, but were saddened to hear that they would not but Harry would if they acted quickly.

So they did.


On September 10, 1927, Lily and James walked through the gates of a Muggle orphanage called "Wool's Orphange".

Lily held the sleeping Harry close against her as tears silently dripped down her face, she didn't want to give her baby up but she knew she wouldn't survive this war and she didn't trust her sister to care for her child so this was their only option.

As they approached the door, she pressed a kiss to Harry's forehead and James did the same, Lily cried, "Harry, Mummy wants you to know she and Daddy love you very very much, so much that they are willing to die to make the world you live in a little better."

Lily carefully put her baby into a small shoebox and tucked the blanket around him and pulling his little hat down father to cover his fragile ears, whispering a heating charm, as James stuck a note to his thick shirt that had his name and birthday.

Lily pressed a final kiss to Harry's tiny hand as she set the shoebox holding her child in front of the door, she raised her hand to knock on said door but hesitated, she hated that she had to do this.

James sadly cupped her hand in his as he knocked on the door, he then apparted them outside the gates and threw the invisibility cloak over their heads.

As soon as the cloak was hiding them, the door opened to reveal a young woman holding a toddler in her arms, the woman picked Harry up with her free arm and look around for anyone.

When she found no one, she looked to the toddler, "Look, Tom, there's another baby in your age group now."

The toddler's —Tom's— cold demeanor changed to that of curiosity for just a second when he looked at the other child in the woman's arms.

Harry's eyes opened to show off their magnificent green color and that caught Tom's attention again, he had never seen that color of eyes before, he had only seen blue and brown eyes.

Harry gave a toothless smile and a breathtaking giggle when Tom's chubby hand pulled off the hat and patted the soft, black hair.

"Be nice, Tom, we don't want to upset him." The woman scolded

Mrs. Cole's words confused Tom, how was he being bad if Harry had laughed?

Mrs. Cole set Tom on the ground as she rocked Harry, looking at the beautiful baby boy

"Harwee." Tom whined, wanting to see the infant again

Mrs. Cole chuckled, closing the door as she took both boys back to the orphanage's nursery.

Outside, Lily and James cried at the loss of their son in their home.

And they died three days later, fighting Grindelwald's Hallows...

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