The Slytherin Test...

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Narrator's POV

The final three teams —First Year Ravenclaw, Second Year Slytherin, and Sixth Year Hufflepuff— made their way into the Unused Corridor.

The three teams were then split up by house and put into three separate rooms with their Head-of-House.

Tom, Harry, Abraxes, and Ignatius stood in a empty room that had only a cabinet with Professor Slughorn.

"Hello, boys." Slughorn greeted, "Headmaster Dippet wants you boys to face your fears and whatever team does it quickest wins the Tournament. Since you boys haven't learned about Boggarts yet the spell you defeat them with is 'Riddikulus'."

Abraxes went first as Slughorn started his timer, facing the cabinet, his natural Malfoy exterior hiding his worry.

Professor Slughorn magicked the door open and, surprisingly, a mime stepped out.

The mime began to perform and fear displayed itself across Abraxes' face.

He took a deep breath, pointed his wand at it, and chanted, "Riddikulus."

Ignatius went up next causing the Boggart stared at him and it quickly changed into Ignatius but with Hufflepuff uniform.

Unheard by all except Ignatius, the Boggart laughed, "You're nothing but a weak, little, pathetic Hufflepuff who is playing dress-up. After all, a real Slytherin wouldn't be a weak fool like you."

Ignatius' Adam's apple bobbed as he stared at the creature, "You are the weak one."

He determinedly pointed his wand at the Boggart, "Riddikulus."

The Boggart quickly changed from a Hufflepuff version of himself that represented what he used to be into a maggot.

Sneering at what was left of the Boggart, Ignatius spat, "The past is the past."

Tom went next, the Boggart took one look at him and quickly turned into the Grim Reaper.

The physical form of Death made Tom step back as a precaution, but he quickly regained control of the situation: after all, this was a simple Boggart, not Death itself.

Determination written across his face, whispering, "I control the fear, the fear doesn't control me."

Then, he pointed his wand at the creature, "Riddikulus."

The Boggart quickly changed into cockroach and scurried away from him.

Finally, Harry came forward, and it became a form no one except Harry expected: Tom.

Tom was quite shocked to see himself as Harry's Boggart: was Harry afraid of him and stayed in a relationship with him because he was too scared to break up with him?

The Boggart began to speak to Harry, but no one else could hear it's words, "I don't love you, Harry, you're just a convenience. You couldn't possibly think that I actually cared about you, much less loved you."

"Riddikulus!" Harry managed to choke out, tears fuzzing his vision

The Boggart then changed into a worm as Slughorn stopped the timer, "Ten minutes and twenty-eight seconds."

They then stepped out of the room where Headmaster Dippet was waiting, holding four bottles of Felix Felicis.

Each student took one bottle and left to go to their dorm.


After showers were taken and they prepared for bed, Tom pulled Harry aside into a storage closet.

Tom looked into Harry's eyes, "Are you scared of me, Harry?"

"No, of course not." Harry replied, horrified that Tom thought that

"Then why was I your Boggart?" Tom asked

"Because I'm scared that you don't actually love me,Tom, and this is just a game to you." Harry replied, tears forming in his eyes

"Harry, you are the only thing I care about." Tom replied, wiping away the tears

"I love you." Harry muttered

"I love you, too." Tom said, showing one of his rare genuine smiles

Tom then sighed in relief as he pulled the love of his life into his arms.

Smiling, Harry pressed a kiss to Tom's lips and a few minutes later they reentered the dorm.

Obvious to the emotional moment, Abraxes and Ignatius talked.

"How are you scared of mimes?" Ignatius asked the blond

"My family and I were staying at our summer home in Paris when I got lost and somehow found myself in Muggle Paris. And I saw one and it followed me until my mother found me." Abraxes answered


Hours later, Harry had nightmares about the Boggart experience.

In fear, he got up and walked to Tom's bed, lifted the covers, and snuggled against his boyfriend.

Tom, wordlessly understanding what was happening, stood up, closed the curtains on Harry's bed and then his own.

Then, he tended to his boyfriend, by holding him and whispering sweet nothings into his ear until he was asleep.

Looking at his sleeping Harry,Tom thought to himself, "Harry's unhappiness wasn't worth the potion."

Then he fell asleep, holding his true love...

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