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Narrator's POV

Now that they had the information they needed about Horcruxes from Professor Slughorn, Tom and Harry planned their attacks on the foulest people in the school since Salazar wanted to assist then in their plan of becoming Dark Nobels.

Salazar claimed that the first step towards their goal was to simply start small by removing the unclean from Hogwarts.

By 'unclean' Salazar did not mean those with Muggle-blood, but those with Muggle-ideals, those who claimed that the Muggle-World was more important than the Wizarding World.

With that in mind, they made some rules on those they could and couldn't attack.

They agreed that they would not attack on blood purity, but followers would need convincing about that.

They would not kill for fun, but to accomplish goals.

They would not harm based on gender or race, all that mattered was magic.


The first attack was not an attack at all, but a warning to scare enemies away from the school for good.

The first attack was not an attack at all, but a warning to scare enemies away from the school for good

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Under the message was the corpse of Professor Merrythought's cat, Xander.

But unfortunately, no one left the school.


The attacks continued, injuring around twenty Muggle-Loving wizards and witches.

So in the end of the year, Tom was bringing Medusa up for the next attack he had planned when suddenly he heard a shriek behind him.

Quickly turning around, he saw Myrtle Warren fall face first out of the stall she had been hiding in.

And she was very much dead, killing by looking into Medusa's eyes.


Several minutes earlier, Myrtle ran into the First Floor Girl's Lavatory crying.

She hated how mean the kids were to her, Randolph Prewett and Courtney Geary were constantly teasing her about her appearance: her hair was greasy, her glasses were ugly, she had too many pimples, she was too short, her clothes were trashy, or her feet were too big.

She couldn't go a day without being teased by them.

She was crying in the stall —that she would eventually haunt as a ghost— when she heard a masculine voice outside hissing.

"G-Get y-your-r o-w-wn s-stall." Myrtle cried, but the voice continued to hiss

Opening the stall to tell the boy that he was in the wrong restroom, she locked eyes with a Basilisk and died right there.

In her last moments, she was surprised to see the face of the handsome Tom Riddle.

In her last moments, she was surprised to see the face of the handsome Tom Riddle

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On the other side of the bathroom, Tom was shocked to see Myrtle's body, but he was quick in pulling out his diary and reciting the spell he needed to turn said object into his horcrux.

"Celare animam meam." Tom cast, pointing his wand at the diary

Once the horcrux was made, he saw his boyfriend enter the restroom

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Once the horcrux was made, he saw his boyfriend enter the restroom...

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