The Cup and Locket...

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Narrator's POV

Two days later, Hepzibah was shocked to hear her knocking on her door as she drank her nightly hot coca at midnight, "Hokey, go answer the door."

"Yes, madam." Hokey replied, doing as told, returning several minutes later with two guests

"Tom? Harry?" Hepzibah asked, "What are you boys doing here so late?"

"Well you see, madam, we-" Harry attempted to say, acting overly flustered

"We just couldn't get you off our minds." Tom finished seductively

"Boys," Hepzibah blushed, "this is highly inappropriate."

"An absolute scandal." Harry agreed, walking behind Hepzibah' lavishly decorated chair, placing his hands on her bony shoulders, "But we just can't help it."

"Doesn't the saying say, 'the heart wants what the heart wants'?" Tom asked, kneeling in front of her, kissing her hand

Hepzibah quickly noticed that Tom's suit jacket had been discarded, his tie was loose around his neck and his dress shirt was unbuttoned to reveal his muscled chest so she assumed Harry was the same —but she was wrong, fortunately, since Tom didn't want anyone else to see his Harry in a state of even mild undress.

Hepzibah's blush deepened as she felt Harry begin to massage her aching shoulders and after a few minutes she moaned.

After a few minutes, Tom believed that they had Hepzibah completely seduced, "Hepzibah?"

"Yes, Tom?" She moaned

"Those artifacts you showed us two days ago, where are they?" Tom asked

"In my study, in the bottom desk drawer." Hepzibah answered

"Is there a special way to access it?" He asked

"The password is 'honey badger'." She told, moaning afterwards

Tom then looked into Harry's eyes and motioned them towards Hepzibah's forgotten coca cup, "Now, love.", so Harry used wandless and wordless magic to work a vial out of his coat pocket and pour itself into the drink while he continued to massage her shoulders

Hepzibah then felt the urge to drink her beverage, so she did, not noticing the strange taste.

Once the couple heard her gulp, they left her to die and went to get the cup and locket they came for.

Using the password, Tom unlocked the drawer and removed the items from the black, leather boxes and put the now empty boxes back inside

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Using the password, Tom unlocked the drawer and removed the items from the black, leather boxes and put the now empty boxes back inside.

Suddenly, Tom kissed Harry softly and Harry felt Tom clasp the locket around his neck, "This, my love, looks like it was meant to be worn by you."

Harry blushed, "It's yours, Tom, its your heirloom, I couldn't."

"I insist." Tom urged, kissing Harry's cheek, before teasing, "After all, you are my blushing bride."

Harry's blush deepened, "We should go modify the elf's memory."

Tom chuckled, "Whatever you say, my darling."

The couple then returned to where Hepzibah was nearly dead on the chair with white foam coming out of her mouth, Hokey was by her side, "Madam, what is wrong?"

Tom's cold, red gaze turned to Hokey as he held up his wand, "Falso accounto."

Hokey's face went blank as Tom changed her memories, "You, Hokey the house-elf."

"I, Hokey the house-elf." Hokey mindlessly repeated

"...have made your mistress's nightly hot coca..."

"...have made my mistress's nightly hot coca..."

"...came to her sitting room where she awaited her beverage..."

"...came to her sitting room where she awaited her beverage..."

"...and gave it to her, not realizing that you put rat killer in it instead of sugar, since you couldn't tell the difference with your elderly eyesight..."

"...and gave it to her, not realizing that I put rat killer in it instead of sugar, since I couldn't tell the difference with my elderly eyesight..."

Tom finished, "and she died in this chair while you cleaned the house, not realizing she was in need of your help"

Hokey nodded, "...and she died in this chair while I cleaned the house, not realizing she was in need of my help."

"Good." Tom said, removing his wand from Hokey's head, the charm and the framing complete so they were no longer the culprit, as Hokey would admit that she'd done it

"What did you do tonight, Hokey?" Harry asked

Hokey turned to face Harry, her eyes filled with tears, "I killed my mistress!"

Both Dark Nobels smiled darkly, Harry asked, "Really? How, Hokey? How did you kill her?"

"I made her hot coca with rat killer instead of sugar!" Hokey wailed, "I didn't know! I couldn't tell the difference with my horrid eyesight! I made it and brought it to my mistress and she drank it! She died in pain while I cleaned obliviously!"

"How sad." Harry mocked, as Tom pulling the cup out of his pocket

"Celare animam meam." Tom cast, using Hepzibah's death to make the cup a Horcrux

And so they left Hokey alone to take the blame, and on their way back into their apartment, Harry killed a drunk Muggle loitering nearby to make the cup a Horcrux.

And within twenty-four hours, the Daily Prophet went mad over the story, calling it 'The House-Elf Scandal.'

But after that, no one gave the supposed closed-case a second glance

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But after that, no one gave the supposed closed-case a second glance...

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