Our Alistair...

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Narrator's POV

The next morning, Tom, Harry, and Barty flooed to the Ministry of Magic Coutroom that afternoon after Magical-Child Services wrote back and set up the trial.

The trio sat at the left table and two Aurours dragged a hungover Bartemius in.

The judge, a young man named Scott Wayne, began the trial.

"Bartemius Crouch Senior, you have been accused of abusing your thirteen year old son. How do you plead?" Judge Wayne asked

"Innocent." Bartemius answered

"Aurours, administer the Veritaserum." Judge Wayne instructed and the Aurours did so

"How do you plead now?" Judge Wayne asked Bartemius once he was under the potions influence

"Guilty." Bartemius robotically replied

"I sentence you to ten years in Azkaban in minimal security for the abuse of your child." Judge Wayne decreed as Aurours dragged Bartemius to prison

Once Bartemius was gone, Judge Wayne stood up and walked to the table, "Messers. Riddle I assume you both want custody of Barty?"

"Correct." Tom replied

Judge Wayne handed Barty a needle and a piece of parchment, "Prick your finger and leave three drops of blood on this sheet."

Barty did as told and his information appeared on it.

"Barty, I assume you would like to change your name?" Judge Wayne asked

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"Barty, I assume you would like to change your name?" Judge Wayne asked

"Yes." Barty answered

"What would you like to change your name to?" Judge Wayne asked

"Alistair Benjamin Riddle." Alistair replied

"Okay." Judge Wayne added, taking the needle from Alistair and handing it to Harry, "Add three drops of your blood to the parchment, please."

Harry did so and Tom repeated the process, so once they were finished the parchment changed.

Alistair's blond hair turned to a dark brown, his hazel eyes turned into a 'Killing Curse' green, and he grew about two inches

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Alistair's blond hair turned to a dark brown, his hazel eyes turned into a 'Killing Curse' green, and he grew about two inches.

Alistair was officially their son.


After the trial, Harry, Tom, and Alistair Riddle made their way to Diagon Alley.

Tom left the mother-son pair to complete some business of his own, so Harry and Alistair went to Gringotts to pick up some pocket money.

Almost immediately after stepping foot inside, Silverchain found them.

"Greetings, Lord Potter." Silverchain greeted, then noticing Alistair, "And son."

"Hello, old friend." Harry greeted, "We just came to pick up some pocket money."

"Ah, from which Vault?" Silverchain asked

"Whatever one is closest." Harry replied and the trio went over to the railcart and went to the Gryffindor Vault

Once he collected a pouch full of coins, Harry handed it to Alistair, "For the trolley and Hogsmeade."

Alistairs eyes widened at that, he had never had any money for himself before, but took the money gratefully and out in in his robe pocket.

They soon returned to the lobby and returned into Diagon Alley, "Do you still have a wand or did you leave that behind."

"I didn't have time to get it, mum." Alistair answered, noticing Harry smile at being addressed

"Then we'll go to Ollivander's first." Harry smiled, taking Alistair's hand and walking to the store

Around ten minutes later, they emerged with Alistair's wand: Ash wood, Dragon-Heartstring, 10 inches, and semi-flexible.

Next, they headed to the store called "Ted's Trunks" where they bought a magically expandable trunk that were made of a dark wood, it was lined in silver and its clasp was made of silver —just like his and Tom's own school trunk.

Then they made their wat to "Slug's and Jiggers Apothecary" were they bought three sets of the Third Year potions kits.

At "Amanuensis Quills" they bought a dozen standard quills and two pots of self refilling ink.

In "Flourish and Blotts Bookseller" they went to f where they got Alistair's school books: 'The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3' by Miranda Goshawk, 'Intermediate Transfiguration' by Emeric Switch, 'Numerology and Grammatica', 'Spellman's Syllabary', 'The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts' by Arsenius Jigger.

Then at "Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions" Madam Malkin sized Alistair up and bought ten Ravenclaw uniforms as well as a brand new Ravenclaw scarf.

In "Potage's Cauldron Shop" they bought one cauldron that the school required.

At "Eeylops Owl Emporium" Harry bought Alistair a screech owl that he named Lance.

Finally, they went to "Twilfitt and Tattings" where they got Alistair several dress robes and casual robes.

They then returned home where they met up with Tom and ate dinner.


The next morning, Tom read the newest Daily Prophet article.

"Head of Magical Law Enforcement: a Child Abuser.

Bartemius Crouch Senior, the Head of Magical Law Enforment and Minister-Elect several campaigns in a row, has been found guilty of abusing his only child: Bartemius 'Barty' Crouch Jr.

Barty's story of abuse was heard by a young magical couple that wishes to stay anonymous when they found him on a night out.

Bartemius kicked Barty out in a drunken rage on an extremely snowy night with little protection, thus causing him go get mild hypothermia and frostnip.

And to top it all off, Bartemius broke Barty's left arm before kicking him out!

After the horrified couple took him into their home and tended to his infections, they wrote to Magical Child Services and won custody of Barty.

And Bartemius will be spending the next ten years in Azkaban and upon release I doubt he will find employment anywhere.

Maria Skeeter, Special Correspondent to the Daily Prophet."...

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