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Narrator's POV

Even though Hagrid lost the Wizard Duel and should be honoring that he had made a mistake, he continued to hex Tom and Harry in the hallways in between classes for the rest of the year.

And they would hex back, of course, Tom would let that stand —if he could kill Hagrid and get away with it he would; anything for Harry.

Slowly, the rivalry began to escalate but the teachers remained oblivious until one incident at the end of the year.


Harry James Potter walked down the corridors of the school after classes to head to the Owlery to visit Hedwig.

Almost reaching his destination, he turned the corner and came face-to-face with Hagrid.

Hagrid sneered, "W'at do 'ou w'ant, Pottah?"

"Get out of my way, Hagrid, I would hate to hex you." Harry smiled, giggling at the end

Hagrid growled, "Y'u 'hink y'ou're s gr'at s'nce 'ou h'ave Rid'le prot'cting yeh, bu' yeh can' do annythinn on yeh o'n."

Harry frowned at the words and began to walk away when Hagrid punched him.

Falling to the floor in pain, Hagrid continued to hit Harry.

After a few minutes Hagrid left and Harry walked to the nearest bathroom and wiped the blood of of his face.

Harry saw multiple bruises and cuts along his face alone and decided to do a more throughout inspection once back in the dorm.

Once he got into the Slytherin Third Year Boy's Bathroom and stripped down to his underwear.

Standing in front of the mirror, Harry looked at himself: he had multiple cuts and bruises along his body as well and he knew he would be sore until they healed but luckily he didn't think anything was sprained or broken.


Tom Marvolo Riddle made his way out of the Restricted Section of Hogwarts' vast library with several copied books about the Dark Arts.

Making his way back to his dorm, he hid the books inside of his bottomless trunk, and sat on his bed to write his Potions Essay.

Wondering where Harry was, he heard pacing in the bathroom and decided to check there.

Inside he saw his love examining cuts and bruises that were scattered around his creamy skin.

Tom's blood boiled: who did that to Harry?

"Love," Tom started, scaring and shocking Harry with his appearance, "who did this to you?"

"Hagrid." Harry replied, winching at the pain

"Take a bath, my love, and I'll heal you afterwards." Tom instructed

Harry went into a shower-stall and removed his last article of clothing and began to clean himself —careful not to reopen his cuts.

While Harry cleaned himself, Tom waited on his bed with a fresh pair of clothes waiting for Harry.

Unknown to both, Tom's magic flared and made its way to Hagrid.

Hagrid was doing homework in his dorm when he felt foreign magic invade his head and start to rip at the half-giant's mind.

When it was done with the tall boy, Hagrid tried to yell for help but found that he couldn't speak.

The magic had made him mute.


The next day the school learned about what happened to the Gryffindor.

In re spin do to the ailment, Professor Dumbledore enchanted a chalkboard to have an unlimited supply of chalk and to write down whatever Hagrid wanted it to saw and Hagrid would wear it around his neck.

No one could figure out how it happened.


Despite the inconvenience of not being able to find the Invisibility Cloak or Resurrection Stone, Gellert Grindlewald and Albus Dumbledore continued to look for the final two Deathly Hallows.

But they had no luck.

But their imperiused Muggle, Adolf Hitker, was distracting everyone with his war.


"Grindlewald Spotted in England.

Dark Lord Gellert Grindlewald was spotted in Muggle London near the entrance at the restaurant and inn, the Leaky Calderon.

It is unknown why he has returned to where he started, but nothing good can come from his return.

We will keep you updated as we know.

Maria Skeeyer, Special Correspondent to the Daily Prophet."...

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