The Resurrection Stone...

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Narrator's POV

Lord Voldemort was currently walking through his home, looking at all the room to check that there were no cracks in the wards, just in case, but near the edge of the east wing —a part of the house that wasn't used except for Anaelle's music room— he found a family portrait of his father and grandparents.

Looking at his father in the picture, he was disgusted to see that the were identical in appearance with one exception —his father's eyes were dark brown while his own were blue at first.

Then moving his gaze to his grandfather and noticed that he looked exactly the same, except that his eyes were hazel.

Glancing at his grandmother he noticed her eyes were dark brown.

Searching back in his memory, when they were in the Gaunt Shack, he had noticed a picture by were Morfin had been sitting that showed the three Gaunts and he remembered that his mother's eyes had been blue in the photo.

He also knew, that Alistair also looked exactly like him —albeit a little shorter— but he had green eyes just like Harry's.

Scowling, he came to the conclusion that all the males in his paternal line were identical except they inherited the mother's eyes.

He began to turn to leave the room, but before he did he threw 'Incendio' at the painting and it quickly turned to ash while the wallpaper remained unharmed.


Back at Hogwarts, Fawkes the Phoenix flew into the Headmaster's Office with a scroll in hand and quickly changed back into his human form of Gellert.

Almost instantly, Gellert handed Albus the scroll he had found, "I found the owner of the stone, Albus."

Albus looked at the paper Gellert handed him that read "Gaunt Family Tree", he found the Peverell brothers at the top, and Salazar Slytherin a few generations away, but at the bottom he found a name he knew all too well, "Tom Marvolo Riddle".

But what suprised him was not only the name next to him, but under his name as well.

But what suprised him was not only the name next to him, but under his name as well

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"So Tom has the Stone, we'll get him to hand it over willingly, Gellert." Albus said cheerfully

"How?" Gellert asked

"We find his offspring, hold them hostage, and he'll hand it over. Maybe we'll get lucky and he has the cloak too." Albus smirked, beginning to taste victory


Back at Riddle Manor, the Death Eaters were having a meeting.

Among the five hundred Death Eaters, only Druella Black nee Rosier was the only remaining member of the Knights of Walpurgis and only nine were members of the Inner Circle.

Sitting at the head of the table, Lord Voldemort spoke, "My loyal Death Eaters, I believe you have heard of Weasley's escape."

All of the Death Eaters nodded and murmured in confirmation: The Boy-Who-Made-Him-Run's disfigurement at the Dark Lady's hand made headlines in the Daily Prophet.

"Then be assured that he will not remain among the living for much longer." The Dark Lord said, standing and walked to where a woman was chained to the wall near the iron thrones, "But today, we are joined by a special guest who believes that Muggles are not so diffrent from us, Ms. Charity Burbage, the Muggle Studies teacher at Hogwarts. But, Ms Burbage is not content with corrupting and polluting the minds of Wizarding children, last week Professor Burbage wrote an impassioned article in favor of Muggles in the Daily Prophet. In her idea of best case scenario would be: Muggles and Wizards lived together, with our culture diminished to make room for theirs, our children mixed with their's."

"NEVER!" Most shouted

Lord Voldemort pointed his long, yew wand at the Professor, "Avada Kedavra."

With a shriek from the chained woman, the green light emitted from the spell hit her and she instantly died.

Lady Tenebris twisted one of the two rings on his left ring finger, the one with a golden band and onyx stone that held the Deathly Hallow symbol inside that sat higher up on his finger, over his silver wedding ring, looking up he addressed the crowd, "We cannot live with them, for our own safety. They have weapons far more advanced than our own. We have magic but they have technology. They are merciless, they hate what they do not understand and they destroy what they hate."


It was becoming more and more obvious that the war was coming to an end, but who would win no one could say.

The Death Eaters had higher numbers but the Order had the Ministry, so it was anyone's game...

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