The Four Marauders...

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Narrator's POV

That night, Tom and Harry were cuddled together in their bed, whispering as the snow fell outside Riddle Manor in Little Hangleton below.

Harry's face was tucked into his husband's neck as he spoke, "I still can't believe Bartemius would leave a child for dead. How could he do that? He was fourtounate enough to have a child and he beat him like he was nothing."

"Alistair is ours now, love. That bastard isn't harming our little one again." Tom soothed, holding Harry closer as they fell asleep


Two days later, the family of three made their way to Platform 9 3/4 —both Dark Nobles safely concealed under notice-me-not charms— where hundreds of witches and wizards were dropping off their children.

As Alistair's trunk was taken onto the train, Harry placed his hands onto his son's shoulders, "Do you have your money pouch?"

Alistair nodded in confirmation,"Yes, mum."

"And you'll remember to mirror me and papa tonight?" Harry reminded

"I will, muma." Alistair replied

"Are you sure you don't want to try out for your Qudditch team? It would only take me a few minutes to pop into the shop and get you a broom. I'd send Hedwig to you and you'd get it at breakfast in the morning." Harry informed

"I'm not interested in Qudditch, mummy." Alistair breathed

"You took after you papa like that didn't you, sweetie." Harry smiled, smoothing Alistair's hair

"And you glamours and Occulmancy shields up as best as you can do them?" Tom asked

"They are, papa." Alistair answered, his appearance now back to being Barty

"Then have fun, be safe, and learn as much as you can put into that Ravenclaw brain of yours." Harry said, hugging his baby and kissing the top of his head

"I'll try, mum." Alistair laughed, his cheeks reddened by the motherly affection

The train conductor called out, "ALL ABOARD THAT'S COMING ABOARD!"

"You better go before the compartments fill up." Tom reminded so Alistair ran to get on board

As Tom and Harry watched the train roll away moments later, Harry leaned his head on Tom's shoulder as parents began to apparate away for work, "I didn't think it be this hard."

Tom rubbed the small of his love's back, "He's going to back in a few months, love, he's just leaving the nest for a little while."

"We've only have had him for four days, Tom, I'm not mentally ready." Harry replied, "We should have sent him to Durmstrang, it would have been safer. After all, Karakoff is scared shitless of us so Alistair would be perfectly safe and they have a Dark Arts course."

"Their Dark Arts course has been severely watered down since Grindlewald's rise to power, sweetheart." Tom reminded

"Still better than nothing." Harry mumbled as they apparated home


A few weeks later, Sirius Orion Black, a thirteen year old Fourth Year Slytherin, watched his younger brother Regulus Arcturus Black carefully.

Regulus, who was a Second Year Slytherin was currently doing homework in the library with Barty Crouch Jr., a Ravenclaw in Reg's year.

"Barty?" Regulus asked, seeing the Ravenclaw zoned out

Barty almost flinched at the sound of his name, "Yeah?"

"We were talking about our charms essay." Regulus reminded

"Oh yeah, the Memory Charm, right?" Barty asked

"Yes." Regulus replied, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just got caught up in thought, sorry." Barty apologized, "Can we finish this tomorrow? I can't seem to concentrate."

"Sure." Regulus said, "See you later."

"Later." Barty said, walking away

"He's acting weird, Hooter." Sirius whispered to his younger brother

"He just got adopted, Padfoot, you'd act weird too." Regulus told his fellow Marauder, "Where's Moony and Snakecrown?"

"In our dorm doing Potions Homework." The dog animagus replied

"And you already finished?" The owl animagus asked his brother

"I was hoping an owl would eat my essay." Sirius laughed

"It was funny when a 'mysterious' dog ate Sev's essay and he shouted 'a dog is eating my wonderfully complete homework, what a tragedy', but this is getting ridiculous, Siri." Regulus deadpanned

"Please, Reggie." Sirius pleaded

"No." Regulus said

"Pleeeeeeaaasssseeeeeeeeeeee." Sirius pleaded, doing puppy-eyes

Regulus sighed, "Fine, but only this one time."

"Yay!" Sirius cheered

"What are you working on instead, then." Regulus asked

"The map, I swear it's almost done. Remi and Sev agree." Sirius replied, "Wanna cause some mischief, dear brother-o-mine?"

"Yeah." Regulus grinned, causing a mischievous glint to form in his brother's eyes as Sirius ran off

And Regulus shook his head as he ran after him...

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