Mother at Last...

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Narrator's POV

On December 17, 2004, Harry went into labor during the night and gave birth two beautiful baby girls that were named Odette and Colette.

On December 17, 2004, Harry went into labor during the night and gave birth two beautiful baby girls that were named Odette and Colette

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"They're beautiful, love." Tom said, holding them as Harry woke up from his unconsciousness during the birth as the healer apparate did away

Odette had curly black hair and blue eyes while her twin had green eyes which the rest of the Riddles would learn was their only differing characteristic.

Harry quickly drank a strength potion and took the newborns from his husband and examined them, "Can you please go get the others, Tom? They'll want to meet their little sisters. Also tell the house-elf to set up a second crib."

Quickly walking into the hallway to please the nursing mother —something that he learned to do years earlier—, Tom sought out the closest of his offspring, which happened to be Willow.

Willow, an six year old girl who looked exactly like Anaelle did at that age, who was currently sporting loose twin braids and her pink nightgown, practically jumped into her papa's arms as he passed her bedroom door.

Willow, an six year old girl who looked exactly like Anaelle did at that age, who was currently sporting loose twin braids and her pink nightgown, practically jumped into her papa's arms as he passed her bedroom door

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Pressing a kiss to his third eldest child's forehead, he then whispered to her, "Go get Alistair and tell him to bring Ambrose and Zenith to me and mummy's room, flower."

"Okay, papa." Willow smiled, jumping out if his hold and running down the hallway and into the library

Tom then walked down the opposite hallway to his eldest daughter's music room and was surprised that she wasn't in there.

But, he quickly caught a glimpse of the twenty-two year old playing outside in the garden with the freshly fallen snow.

Walking downstairs to the backdoor, Tom went outside, immediately becoming cold and said to Anaelle, "Angel, come back inside, you'll catch your death out here."

"The Nargels told me that my baby sisters would like the flowers

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"The Nargels told me that my baby sisters would like the flowers." Anaelle replied, showing him a basket full of winter flowers

"Come inside." Tom repeated and the girl did so and they both walked to the master bedroom where the rest of the family was waiting for them

Alistair sat on a nearby chair with Zenith —the youngest male at two years old and who had green eyes and messy brown hair— on his lap while Ambrose, a four year old boy with straight black hair and blue eyes, stated at the newborn twins.

Alistair sat on a nearby chair with Zenith —the youngest male at two years old and who had green eyes and messy brown hair— on his lap while Ambrose, a four year old boy with straight black hair and blue eyes, stated at the newborn twins

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"Why day so small?" Ambrose asked his papa, tugging the man's shirt

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"Why day so small?" Ambrose asked his papa, tugging the man's shirt

"They've just been born, son." Tom replied, "You were that small too."

"What day name?" Zenith asked with one chubby hand in his tiny mouth

Harry smiled, carefully holding both babies up, "Meet Odette and Colette."

"They're pretty." Willow said, trying to touch the twin nearest to her, which happened to be Odette

"Be careful, baby, they won't be able to play with you for a little while." Harry softly reminded

"I will be, muma. Are they just gonna sleep and eat like Zenny and Amby did?" Willow asked

"For a little while." Harry answered

Outside the snowfall began to slowly increase, marking the happiness of this occasion...

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