Attack of the Tonks Home...

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Narrator's POV

Two months later, half an hour until dawn on Allhallows Eve, Lord Voldemort woke up in bed, got up, and changed his out of his sleepwear and into a simple black robe and a black hooded cloak.

Noticing his husband out of bed, Harry yawned, "Tom, come back to sleep."

"I have an early errand right about now, I have to go." Tom apologized

"It's still dark outside." Harry pointed out

"I know." Tom agreed, "I just need to do something."

"Come back to bed, it can wait until morning." Harry insisted

"I'll be back before you know I'm gone." Tom soothed

"Come back to sleep." Harry practically begged

"This takes place at dawn, I have to go." Tom sadly replied, this was for their family's and Harry's own good

With a sigh, Harry gave in, "Well, I'm going back to sleep."

"Hey, it's going to be fine. I'll be back before you wake up." Tom comforted, apparating away

And Harry did so after a few minutes of fighting a bad feeling.

And Harry did so after a few minutes of fighting a bad feeling

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Within seconds Lord Voldemort reached his destination —the home of Andromeda and Ted Tonks— where Lucius Malfoy and Peter Pettigrew were waiting for him.

"Weasley is here, my lord, he hasn't left." Peter informed —the rat animagus had watched the baby all day

"Wait here, kill anyone who attempts escape." The Dark Lord ordered

"Yes, my lord." Peter and Lucius simultaneously replied as Lord Voldemort entered the house

The Dark Lord made his way through the cramped house, careful not to wake anyone up

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The Dark Lord made his way through the cramped house, careful not to wake anyone up.

He passed the sleeping group of six children (Bill, Nymphadora, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George) that had assembled for a sleepover and let them be: he never attacked children unless they attacked first, the infant he was after would be the only exception to this rule.

Making his way into the room that held a temporary crib, he pointed his wand at the red headed baby boy named Ronald Weasley, "Avada Kedavra."

Green light appeared from the end of the long, yew wand but Ron was protected by a magical shield causing the spell bounced back and hit its caster before he had time to move.

And to that Lord Voldemort was dead.


Lucius Abraxes Malfoy and Peter Pettigrew wondered what was taking the Dark Lord so long, after all they had seen the green light of the Killing Curse from the second-floor window so where was their leader?

Carefully sneaking their way into the house, the two Death Eaters found Lord Voldemort's body on the ground in front if the boy's crib and said boy was sleeping contently seemingly oblivious to the powerful wizard dead before him.

Though Ron did not leave the experience completely unscathed,  he know had a lightning-bolt shaped scar on his forehead.

Each Death Eater took hold of one half of the Dark Lord's body —Peter with his legs and Lucius with his arms— they apparated back to the base.


Lady Tenebris aka Harry James Riddle had woken up several minutes ago at seven am when he felt someone apparate through the wards.

Quickly rushing to greet his husband he gasped at the sight before him: his spouse's corpse on the ground with a terrified Lucius and cowering Peter.

"What happened?" Harry asked, falling to his knees to examine the body

"We don't know." Lucius answered, "The Dark Lord told us to wait outside and we saw the light from the Killing Curse from the window but he didn't come out for about ten minutes so we went to investigate and we found him on the floor."

Harry didn't understand what Lucius was telling him, but apparently Tom's 'errand' was actually a murder.

"Go." Lady Tenebris ordered and the two other males did so

Once they were gone, Harry pinched his arm: this had to be a nightmare.

But it didn't work, this was reality, so this needed to be a Boggart.

"Riddikulus." Harry cast, but it didn't work

"Riddikulus." He tried again, tears beginning to fall

"Riddikulus." Harry tried one last time, fulling braking into tears and screams of anguish


Alistair Benjamin Riddle shot awake as soon as he heard the first scream, ran down the hallways and stairs to the entrance hall.

Once into the entrance hall on his way to the dining room, he found his mum crying over what seemed to be his father's corpse.

"Mum?" Alistair asked, shocked, "What's wrong with Papa?"

"He's dead." Harry barely managed to answer, his tears overtaking him once more

Alistair looked at his father's corpse, thinking, "What the hell happened?"

Alistair then looked to his mother, thinking, "I will be strong for us as long as I need to."

Harry looked at his son and smiled weakly, at least he still had Alistair and Anaelle —who had begun to cry in her nursery...

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