The Philosopher's Stone...

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Narrator's POV

Soon enough, the Yule Break ended and Hogwarts students returned to school.

During the break, Anaelle and Harry got reconnected with Tom, but Alistair often avoided his father.

Tom's plan to steal the Philosopher's Stone was slowly coming together since Hagrid had confided in him that the cerberus called Fluffy could be lulled to sleep with music played by a harp, Sprout told him that a plant called Devil's-Snare was guarding the stone and he knew the plant was easily harmed by fire or light so it was easy enough to get past —most likely— and after a few drinks (mixed with a truth potion in Filius and Minerva's) Flitwick had told him that the next protection was keys that had wings on them and the one with a broken wing was the one he would want and McGonagall told him tat he would have to win a game of Wizard's Chess.

But he had yet to get the final protection from Severus so most likely he would have to reveal himself to the potions teacher to get what he wanted.


On June 4, the Dark Lord did end up revealing himself to Severus —who looked like he pissed himself when he did so— and soon enough he passed all the tests surrounding the Stone, and his only obstacle left was the Mirror of Erised.

Caressing the mirror's golden frame, Tom whispered, "Where are you hiding the stone, you temptress."

Looking into the mirror's glass, he saw Qurriell's form disappear and his own take its place; Harry quickly appeared beside him, smiling beautifully whilst cradling a infant that was wrapped up in a grey blanket his arms, blocking out any features; Anaelle and Alistair then appeared, both happily smiling at him.

Tom unconsciously traced his fingers along Harry's face, but he was knocked out of his actions when he saw Anaelle knowingly tap her fingers against her robe pockets and all the visible people in the reflection-fantasy began to mouth "Look in your pocket."

Searching his pockets, he found nothing but he then noticed a red headed boy behind him pull the Stone out of his own pocket in the mirror since his desire had disappeared from the reflection only to be replaced by with the truth.


One week earlier, Hermione and Anaelle entered the Ravenclaw First Year Girl's Dorm together, talking about their potions essay.

"I'm going to take a shower before I get started, 'Mione, you go ahead." Anaelle said, taking off her outer-robe, her crescent moon shaped earrings, and protection ring she had gotten from her mum when she started school.

Before getting on the Hogwarts Express for the first time, Harry gave his little girl one last hug, "Be safe, baby, mirror me and your brother every night."

"I will muma." Anaelle replied, hugging back

"One last thing," Harry said, reaching into his pocket and revealing a blue ring, "wear this ring always, it will protect you if the need should arise but tell me after you do since it will only work one time."

"Okay, mummy." Anaelle said, slipping the ring on, "Ill miss you and Al."

Going into the bathroom, Anaelle took her shower.

Almost immediately after shutting the door behind her, Ron Weasley walked into the dorm.

"Get lost, Weasel?" Hermione sneered

"Where's Cho? She said we'd be working together on our homework." Ron said, looking around

"She's not here, blood traitor, I suggest you leave." Hermione said

Scoffing, Ron turned away and began to walk, almost immediately tripping over Anaelle's trunk.

While on the ground, he noticed a blue ring beside him and quickly pocketed it as he got up and left the dorm.


Ron, Seamus, and Dean made their way into the corridor where they found Fluffy sleeping.

"Snape's already past us!" Dean said, opening the trap door and climbing down onto the Devil's Snare below

By the end of the hour, the trio made it past the Devil's Snare, flying keys, Dean had been left behind at the chess game, and Seamus was left behind at the potions, so now Ron was now in a final room with the Mirror of Erised and Professor...Qurriell?

Were Snape and Qurriell working together to get the Stone, but where was the greasy git?

Suddenly, Ron felt something heavy weigh down his left pant pocket, reaching his hand in, he pulled out the Philosopher's Stone.

"Give that to me, boy." Qurriell growled, turning around to face the Gryffindor

"Over my dead body." Ron replied, putting the Stone back in his pocket and pulling out his wand

"So be it." Qurriell replied, barely restraining his anger as he pulled out his own wand

In horror of seeing what the man was going to cast the Killing Curse, Ron covered his face with his arms and braced himself for death.

But death did not come, the ring he had stolen from Luna went into action to protect the wearer and destroyed the form of Qurriell and black smoke left the ashes of what was once the DADA teacher...

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