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Narrator's POV

Hours later, the sun rose above the skylight, eventually beginning to penetrate the vines of the thick weeping willow that hid the newlyweds.

As soon as the sun hit his face, Harry opened his eyes and reached for his black circular glasses, once on he removed the covers far enough down to get on his knees to reach for the clothing pile near the vines.

He shivered slightly when the cold morning air kissed his skin, he began to sort out his and Tom's clothing to get dressed.

Harry jumped slightly when a voice spoke from behind him, "If I didn't know better, love, I'd think you were trying to seduce me."

That sentence stopped Harry in his tracks as his face reddened to a shade that would make a Gryffindor envious when he realized his position gave Tom a full view of his creamy behind.

In a rush of embarrassment, Harry covered himself head-to-toe in the black blanket in shame.

"Don't be like that, my love, you're absolutely adorable...gorgeous...heavenly...divine...which ever you prefer." Tom complimented

Without revealing his face, Harry's blush somehow managed to deepen.

After a while, Tom managed to coax Harry out of the blanket and into his arms.

Harry —who was now sitting beside Tom while leaning against the older male's chest— cuddled against his husband as said spouse spoke, "We could go on a honeymoon if you wish, sweetheart, anywhere you want to go."

"The Potters own a beach house in the Bermuda, right? We could spend a little time there before starting the next phase of the plan." Harry replied

Tom pressed a kiss to the top of Harry's head in response and they both dressed.


Within several seconds of dressing, they apparated to a small island in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle that was surrounded by many other Wizarding Islands owned by Pureblood families from a multitude of different countries.

Shoes were quickly removed in order to prevent fine white sand from damage them and/or getting inside of them.

Shoes in hand, they began to walk towards a brick building that would be the Potter Beach House.

Tom stopped suddenly, took Harry's shoes from him, "Don't move an inch."

Harry was confused by the order, but did as told and didn't move.

Tom walked towards the door, opened it, put their shoes against the wall inside the room, and walked back to Harry.

Once back to his husband, Tom picked Harry up bridal-style, causing grievous Harry to giggle, "Tom, what are you doing?"

"Carrying my bride across the threshold into our honeymoon home." Tom replied, doing as he said he would

Once inside, he carried the smaller male into the bedroom, dropped him on the bed, and laid beside him where they laid content with each other's presence for several minutes.

Grinning, Tom rolled on top of Harry, causing Harry to grunt, "You're squishing me, I can't breathe."

"I know, and once you're unconscious I plan to spoon you mercilessly." Tom smirked, pleased with him plan

"You monster." Harry attempted to laugh, but blacked out causing Tom to do as threatened


Over the next week, Tom and Harry enjoyed the private beach by swimming and examining the wildlife.

Other times, Tom tanned as he read while Harry collected seashells and made sand castles.

But after the week was over, the beach setting got old and they returned to England.


The day after their return to the country, Tom left Harry in the room they were staying in at the Leaky Cauldron to go to his job interview at Hogwarts.

Quickly making his way to the Headmaster's Office, he sat in front If Headmaster Dippet.

"How are you, my boy?" Armando asked

"Good, and you?" Tom replied

"I'm fine." Armando smiled as the pleasantries were out of the way, "So, Mr. Riddle, I have been reviewing your file from your Hogwarts days and I have to say you would be simply perfect for the post of a Defense Against the Dark Arts," Tom smiled as he was sure to have gotten what he desired, but quickly frown with the next words, "but I'm afraid you are much too young to become a teacher. You're nineteen and graduated barely a month ago and I'm afraid I am going to deny you of your request until your a little older and experienced. Feel free to look around though and I look forward to your teaching here in a few years."

Tom knew he wouldn't be changing the old man's mind, so he thanked the man for his time and left the room and went to the library to do Plan B.

And inside the library, he found exactly who he was looking for: the Grey Lady aka Helena Ravenclaw.

And over the course of the next half hour, he talked with her and 'sympathized' with her in order to gain her trust.

And by the half hour's end, she was telling him about where she had hid her mother's lost diadem —an object he planned to make a horcrux for Harry and himself.

And by the half hour's end, she was telling him about where she had hid her mother's lost diadem —an object he planned to make a horcrux for Harry and himself

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"I stole the diadem. I sought to make myself cleverer, more important than my mother. I ran away with it. My mother, they say, never admitted that the diadem was gone, but pretended that she had it still. She concealed her loss, my dreadful betrayal, even from the other founders of Hogwarts. Then my mother fell ill — fatally ill. In spite of my perfidy, she was desperate to see me one more time. She sent a man who had long loved me, though I spurned his advances, to find me. She knew that he would not rest until he had done so. Eventually, he tracked me to the forest where I was hiding. When I refused to return with him, he became violent. The baron was always a hot-tempered man. Furious at my refusal, jealous of my freedom, he stabbed me."

"The Baron? You mean who?" Tom asked, pretending not to know

"The Bloody Baron. When he saw what he had done, he was overcome with remorse. He took the weapon that had claimed my life, and used it to kill himself. All these centuries later, he wears his chains as an act of penitence... as he should." Helena answered

"And what was the name of the forest you died in?" Tom asked, knowing the diadem would be in the location she died

"I never learned the name of the forest, but o knew it was little outside the town of Krasta and I died in the largest tree in the middle of the forest." Helena answered, floating away but Tom didn't mind, he had everything he came for...

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