The Trials of the Greater Goodies...

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Narrator's POV

The very next morning, barely moments after the sunrise, Dumbledore and Grindelwald were dragged by several Death Eaters into the courtroom and chained them to chairs.

Death Eaters poured veritaserum into their mouths as Judge Scott Wayne, the Head Judge, sat down at the Witness's Stand since Lord Voldemort was sitting on the Judge's Bench with Lady Tenebris on his lap.

"What is your full name?" Judge Wayne tested, pointing to Albus

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Dumbledore flatly answered

"How do you plead." Judge Wayne sarcastically asked

"Innocent. All I did was for the greater good." Albus replied

"Do you admit to forcing Ministry Officials to pass bills for you?"

"Yes." Albus answered

"Do you admit to having intimate relations with Dark Lord Gellert Grindlewald?"


"Do you admit to secretly allying yourself with Dark Lord Grindelwald and assisting him in starting both a wizard and Muggle war."


"Do you admit to being secretly freeing Grindlewald from Nurmengard by Dumbledore and hiding him as your familiar, Fawkes the Phoenix."


"Do you admit to killing your sister, Ariana Dumbledore, with the Killing Curse?"


"Do you admit to three occasions of using outlawed magic?"


"Do you admit to being biased against children of Death Eaters while simultaneously favoring your follower's children?"


"Do you admit to pitting aforementioned children against each other for you own benefit?"


"What is your full name?" Judge Wayne asked, pointing at Gellert

"Gellert Grindlewald."

"How do you plead." Judge Wayne sarcastically asked

"Innocent. All I did was for the greater good." Gellert replied

"Do you admit to harming endangered creature groups?"

"Yes." Gellert answered

"Do you admit to having intimate relations with Heamaster Albus Dumbledore?"


"Do you admit to secretly allying yourself with aforementioned teacher and starting both a wizard and Muggle war."


"Do you admit to being secretly freed from Nurmengard by Dumbledore and hiding as Fawkes the Phoenix for over four decades."

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