Azazel's Tale...

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Narrator's POV

A few years later, when Anaelle was five years old, she began to be privately tutored at Malfoy Manor with young Draco Malfoy, Neville LeStrange, and Hermione Franqui —Severus' goddaughter— by a hired tutor.

While Anaelle was gone and Alistair was deeply engrossed in the library reading, Harry was spending quality time with his closest living friend, King Azazel.

"Azazel," Harry said, pouring his friend some tea, "you never did tell me about your sister's husband."

"Vy sister's vusband was vy vreatest friend." Azazel began

Azazel's younger sister, Princess Monique, and his best-friend, Christoph, as well as the young —at the time— Prince Azazel ran through a empty field on a dark October night in 1674.

"Frate, te duci prea repede!" Monique laughed, running after him with Christoph at her side (Brother, you're going too fast!)

"Nu!" (No!) Azazel chuckled, "Voi doi sunteți prea înceți!" (You two are too slow!)

The trio kept running around the field, playing games with each other like the teenagers they were.

Eventually, the sun started to rise and they quickly ran back to the system of caves the was home to all of England's vampires.

Almost immediately after entering the cave, a guard rushed to the two royals and their friend, saluting, the guard said to Azazel, "Prințul meu, am primit un cuvânt de la vampirii ruși, tatăl și mama ta au fost mizați." (My prince, we have received word from the Russian vampires, your father and mother have been staked.)

"Ce? Cum au fost găsiți?" Azazel asked, shocked at the news (What? How were they found?)

"Nu este cunoscut, sire, dar ești următorul în linie pentru tron." The guard replied (It is unknown, sire, but you are next in line for the throne.)

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, Azazel was crowned King and Princess Monique helped her brother with his workload as best as she could and like that, all childhood innocence and play was gone.

Eventually, around twenty years later, King Azazel noticed a flame of romance begin to ignite between his little sister and his best-friend.

Soon enough, Christoph came asking him for Monique's hand in marriage and Azazel gave them his blessing.

And for the next sixteen years, everything was perfect.

And then one day, when the family of three was out to finish the agreement that Monique and Azazel's parents had started with the African Vampires years earlier, their group was caught by Vampire Hunters.

Azazel and Monique were the only survivors and Christoph fought to his last breath trying to protect his wife.

They returned to their home a few nights later and their dead were put to rest.

And Monique committed suicide a month later after the funerals over her broken heart, her note full of apologies to her brother.

"I'm so sorry, Azazel." Harry said, putting his hand of Azazel's shoulder sympathetically

"It ve okay, vy vave vad vwo vundred vears to vhink it over." Azazel replied, sadness clear in his eyes

Before they could continue their conversation, the floo activated in the fireplace in front of them and out came little Anaelle along with Severus.

"My Lady." Severus greeted, bowing

Harry ignored him since Anaelle ran to him, "Mummy! Mummy! Look!"

Harry took the parchment she clearly wanted him to read and looked at it as she climbed up and sat on his lap.

Harry took the parchment she clearly wanted him to read and looked at it as she climbed up and sat on his lap

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"You wrote the alphabet, good job, baby." Harry praised, kissing the top of her head

"Muma, look at the over one." Anaelle giggled and Harry did so

"You wrote you name and you spelt it correctly

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"You wrote you name and you spelt it correctly." Harry smiled, hugging her, "You're so smart, baby."

Severus quickly left, feeling very awkward in the moment and he knew if he drew any attention to himself he believed he would be punished so he simply flooed back to Malfoy Manor, got his goddaughter, and flooed back home to Spinner's End...

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