Here Comes the General....

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Narrator's POV

Five years later, Alistair was now 18 years old and in his final year at Hogwarts.

It had been a good five years for the Dark, even with the inconvenience of the Order of the Phoenix trying -and failing- to stop them.

And since Alistair was of decent age, it was time to introduce him to the Inner Circle of Death Eaters —since the Dark Nobles had a suspicion that they had a traitor in their midst and couldn't locate them just yet— as the General.

Alistair wouldn't be a Dark Noble for the simple reason that he was too young (very hypocritical of them) and that there could only be a maximum of two at one time.


At the next Inner Circle meeting, Alistair —who's face was hidden by a full face, blank, black mask— was introduced as the General.

Almost instantly, the Knights knew exactly who the General was to the Dark Nobles, but their children and the newer members knew nothing.


Near the end of the meeting, Bellatrix looked at the Dark Lord in awe and mild lust.

Druella Black née Rosier looked at her youngest daughter and tsked, "Bella, I would not suggest doing what I can tell your thinking."

"What do you mean, mother?" Bellatrix asked, confused by her mother's warning

"You're pining for a bonded man." Druella explained

"Who is he bonded to?" The nineteen year old girl asked, shocked

"Who do you think?" The only female Knight asked, hoping her daughter could figure out the obvious answer by herself

Bella looked around the table that seated the Dark Nobles, the General and Inner Circle, only one person could possibly be it, so she whispered, "The Dark Lady?"

"Mmmmh." Druella replied, confirming her daughter's answer


"I spoke with Druella's youngest daughter, Bellatrix." Harry said, pointing his finger warningly in Tom's face, "Don't spend unneeded time with her."

"The girl with the mess of black curls?" Tom asked, realization coming forth, "Oh, Harry, come here."

Harry stood up and walked towards him, a little embarrassed since he was hoping Tom would brush it off with a 'yes, love' and that would be it.

Tom then pulled Harry down so the smaller male was sitting on his lap, "I spoke with her twice today. Do you believe she has nefarious intent?"

"Yes, I do." Harry sniffled

"Well, you needn't worry about her, love, because you are far lovelier than she is and I love you more than I'll ever be able to bare. So if you want me to stay away, I will, because I trust you. So don't worry about any....tomfoolery on my end." Tom said, adding a pun for Harry's sake

"Nor mine." Harry added, "I trust you, Tom, it's her I don't trust."

"I know, love, I know." Tom confirmed, kissing him...

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