The Dark Mark...

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Narrator's POV

The newly titled Headmaster Albus Dumbledore looked around the room that was now his office.

The formerly under-decorative office that Armando had was now filled with all sorts of magical trinkets and the black rugs were now a Gryffindor red, but the biggest change in the office was the bird perch now standing next to his desk.

On that perch now stood his newly acquired familiar, Fawkes the Phoenix.

Students, teachers, and various others had complimented him on being chosen by the songbird to be its master, and in reply he always chuckled and said, "Fawkes is more a friend than a pet to me."

But what no one but himself and Fawkes knew was that Fawkes wasn't even a true Phoenix: he was an animagus.

And Fawkes wasn't even Fawkes' real name: it was Gellert.

Everyone in the Wizarding World believed his lover to be in Nurmengard, but actually he was tucked away in Hogwarts inside the office of the man who 'defeated' him.

Now that the public seemed to worship the ground Albus walked on, their plan continued to progress and eventually they would rule both the Muggle and Magical Worlds.


Back in Little Hangleton, deep inside of Riddle Manor, Lord Voldemort and Lady Tenebris prepared for the first Death Eater meeting.

But, at the moment, the Death Eaters consisted of the Knights of Walpurgis aka the Inner Circle, so the private meeting room would be used.

But before the meeting would even start, they needed a better way to call their followers, some sort of mark.

Grindlewald's Hallows had the Deathly Hallows symbol tattooed on the back of their necks.

Grindlewald's Hallows had the Deathly Hallows symbol tattooed on the back of their necks

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But where at what to make the Death Eaters'?

And then Lord Voldemort had an amazing idea to answer that question.


That night, the Knights of Walpurgis felt their magic pull them to an unknown location, instantly they knew their Lords were summoning them and made up an excuse to their spouses on why they were leaving and did so.

The Knights of Walpurgis each took a seat at the long table and waiting for the Dark Nobles to arrive.

Within a minute, the two Dark Nobles walked in and sat at the head of the table

Within a minute, the two Dark Nobles walked in and sat at the head of the table

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"Knights," the Dark Lord greeted, "welcome to the beginning of the end."

"The first order of business is simple, present your left forearms." The Dark Lady ordered

Lord Voldemort and Lady Tenebris circled the table, each marking half of the occupants.

"Mormordre." The Dark Nobles cast, marking each of their followers

They repeated the spell multiple times, marking all of the Knights —no noticing Lady Tenebris momentarily staring at Druella's four month baby bump— and within a few minutes all eight of the Knights were marked with the Dark Mark

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They repeated the spell multiple times, marking all of the Knights —no noticing Lady Tenebris momentarily staring at Druella's four month baby bump— and within a few minutes all eight of the Knights were marked with the Dark Mark.

Sitting back down at the head of the table, the Dark Nobles began the meeting.

"As I believe you all have heard, Albus Dumbledore has defeated Grindlewald and the public believes the world is back to peace. And for now, they are correct, seeing that there are ten of us in this room." Lord Voldemort said

"Since we are so small in numbers, we need to gather more recruits before anything can truly begin." Lady Tenebris continued, "Start reaching out to your allies, have them join. Recruit you spouses, family members, anyone you think will stand firmly with the Dark."

"If our numbers can reach a hundred by 1950, five years from now, we can begin with the bulk of our plans." Lord Voldemort concluded, sending the Death Eaters away...

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