Ignatius' Revenge...

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Narrator's POV

Five years later, in the cold winter of 1950, the Death Eaters planned their very first raid.

The former group of ten was now a group of seven-six with the combined members of the Knights of Walpurgis, their spouses, their siblings, their siblings' spouses, their spouses' siblings, and their spouses' siblings' spouses.


Randolph Prewett, the Junior Undersecretary to Minister of Magic Wilhelmina Tuft sat at the table of his home, Prewett Cottage, eating dinner with his wife, Emilia Abbott who a Hufflepuff in the year below him.

Also sitting at the table were their three children: Fabian, the oldest at three; Gideon, a two year old; and Molly, the youngest at six months.

Suddenly, the family of five heard an explosion at their front door, but before anyone could react a figure in a hooded, black cloak and a white mask walked into the kitchen/family dining room.

The white-masked intruder now removed his mask, revealing the handsome face of Ignatius Prewett.

Randolph gasped, shocked to see the face of the twin he hadn't seen since his own wedding four years ago.

Randolph gasped, shocked to see the face of the twin he hadn't seen since his own wedding four years ago

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"Ignatius?" Randolph asked, "Is that you?"

Ignatius laughed wickedly, "I would hope you remembered the face of the boy you tormented at every opportunity. But never in front of mum and dad or anyone of significance. You slipped up once in front of Slughorn, granted, but you were always careful to cover up your tracks."

"What are you going to do, brother?" Randolph carefully asked, seeing his brother wasn't completely sane at the moment

"Liberating a woman from her bastard of a husband and rescuing my niece and nephews from a good-for-nothing father." Ignatius answered, his mask discarded on the floor behind him as he walked closer to his twin

"Crucio." Ignatius cast, causing his brother to collapse to the floor and begin to scream

After about twenty seconds, Ignatius removed the curse, cackling at the sight before him, "Oh, I have dreamed of this day for years and years and years, carefully imagining and reimagining your eventual demise. A event I would have never received if I hadn't been a faithful servant of the Dark Nobles."

Desperately gasping for air, Randolph croaked, "Riddle made you do this? I knew he was a sick fuck but to be a Dark Noble? Well, there isn't a witch or wizard that went bad that wasn't in Slytherin."

Angered by the blatant insult towards the Dark Lord, Ignatius threw the Cruciatus Curse again, "You dare to insult the Dark Lord? You dare to make a mockery of the greatest wizard that has ever lived?"

Randolph screamed in pain while Emilia and the three children watched in horror.

Twenty minutes later of on-and-off torture with the Cruciatus Curse, Randolph was nearly dead.

Laughing madly, Ignatius walked closer to his twin and knelt beside him, "I hate you but luckily for me, karma is a bitch."

Ignatius then pointed his wand right in between Randolph's eyes, "Avada Kedavra."

And with a flash of green light, the Junior Undersecretary was dead.

The Death Eater laughed again, pointing his wand at the witnesses, "Oblivate."

Carefully, he removed his face and certain words like 'Riddle', "brother' 'Slughorn', and 'Ignatius' from their memories so any Aurours that came would not connect the crime to him or Tom Riddle.

As he walked away the house, he looked at the snowing night sky, grinning, the cast, "Morsmordre."

And for the first time, the Dark Mark stood proudly in the air.

The Death Eater apparated away, still laughing: because, after all, revenge is a dish best served cold

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The Death Eater apparated away, still laughing: because, after all, revenge is a dish best served cold...

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