The Dark Nobles...

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Narrator's POV

The next day in History of Magic, the Slytherins listened to Professor Binns drone on about the four founders of the school: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin.

It was near the end of class and everyone was ready to leave when Binns suddenly said, "Salazar Slytherin disagreed with the other Hogwarts founders about the importance of Blood Purity and the acceptance of Muggle-Borns  at Hogwarts. As the other Founders were against him in this matter, Slytherin left the school. According to legend, before he left, Slytherin created a secret chamber deep underground in Hogwarts Castle —known as the Chamber of Secrets." Binns informed, suddenly gaining Tom and Harry's attention, "That Chamber is home to a monster that is allegedly supposed to purge the school of all Muggle-borns. Only the Heir of Slytherin can open the Chamber of Secrets, through the use of Parseltongue, but his bloodline is currently unknown so the current heir can be anywhere." Tom smirked, "Over the centuries after Slytherin's death, many Headmasters conducted searches of the school to find the Chamber. None, however, were successful, and the Chamber has been dismissed as a mere legend."

Tom glanced to Harry, who was sitting to his right, "Looks like we have something to find."

Harry grinned, "Where should we start?"

"Homework tonight is an sixteen inch long essay on your favorite founder and why. Due tomorrow." Binns deadpanned, opening the door for the students to leave

Since it was Tuesday, the Slytherins left the classroom to head for Transfiguration before Lunch.

Once they were out of Binns' hearing, Abraxes sneered, "Binns didn't even mention the fact that Salazar hated Muggle-Borns was because he feared that they'd expose our world to the Muggles. After all Witch Hunts were going on, so who could blame him, but now everyone paints him the villain."


Several months later, the Yule Break came around and most of the students and the staff —excluding Ogg, the groundskeeper; Mr. Pringle, the caretaker; and Professor Kettleburn, the Care of Magical Creatures teacher— left the school.

Tom and Harry were the only Slytherins remaining at the school, along with five Hufflepuffs, four Ravenclaws, and three Gryffindors.

Since the only teachers that were left worked outdoors and only came in during meal times, the students were free to do as they pleased.

So, the Gryffindors played against the Hufflepuffs in Qudditch, the Ravenclaws stayed immersed in their dorm's private library, so Tom and Harry were free to wander the library as they pleaded, practice any kind of Magic they desired, and hunt for the Chamber of Secrets.

So far, they had only practiced the Imperious Curse on one if the school's chickens, forcing it to dance around, but they were impressed.

One day while in the Library, Harry found a book titled, "Dark Lords and Ladies: the History of the Dark Nobles of the Entire Wizarding World."

"Some of the magic Dark Nobles have been known to practice includes: use of the three Unforgivable Curses, creating or brewing dark potions, putting to use/using dark objects, animating Inferi, and attracting all kinds of Dark creatures to make huge armies and command them to attack their enemies. Noted Dark Lords and Ladies include: Herpo the Foul, Merwyn the Malicious, Morgana le Fay, and Gellert Grindelwald. According to Maria Skeeter, in a list of 'Most Dangerous Dark Wizards of All Time', Morgana le Fay would miss out on the top spot only because Gellert Grindelwald arrived to steal her crown."

Harry grinned, they had wondered what a Dark Lord was and here it was in details.

"Gellert Grindelwald, the current Dark Lord, was born around 1883. He was educated at Durmstrang Institute, where he excelled at magic and absorbed much of the strength-obsessed and Dark Magic-flavored school culture. An extremely talented wizard with an attractive, winsome personality and a 'merry, wild' disposition, Grindelwald felt the attraction of the Dark Arts. Keenly interested in history, lore, and the powerful mystique of magical artefacts, Grindelwald became fascinated with the Deathly Hallows, to the point of appropriating their runic symbol as his own personal emblem and engraving it on the walls of Durmstrang prior to his departure. It has been noted that 'twisted experiments' had been the reason for his expulsion from Durmstrang before graduating."

Satisfied with the answer to his question on who the 'Dark Lord' the Daily Prophet had mentioned, he flipped the page.

"Morgana le Fay, the only Dark Lady, was born and lived during the Middle Ages. She was known to have had a half-brother, Arthur, with whom she shared a mother: Lady Igraine. Her father was believed to be Igraine's first husband, the Duke of Cornwall. During her lifetime, Morgana le Fay played a role in numerous events, and was a powerful witch, being a proficient healer as well as an Animagus (taking the form of a bird). She also ruled as Queen of the Island of Avalon. However, she was also a practitioner of Dark Arts, and was an enemy of the great wizard, Merlin. Nowadays, Morgana le Fay is featured on a Chocolate Frog Card centuries after her death."

He then turned the page, happy to know that the "Legend of King Arthur" was true.

"Merwyn the Malicious was a medieval Dark Lord who is credited with the invention of many unpleasant jinxes and hexes. He appeared on a Chocolate Frog Card. He possessed a hooked wand. There is a portrait of Merwyn hung at Hogwarts Castle, guarding a secret shortcut between the third-floor landing of the Grand Staircase and the Entrance Hall side room. The password required to gain access to said shortcut was 'Malevolence'."

Flipping the page, Harry muttered, "Tom's got to see this."

"The father of the Dark Nobles, Herpo the Foul, was an Ancient Greek Dark Wizard and his work is still a lasting aspect of dark magic to date. Over his lifetime, Herpo invented many vile curses. He is best known as the first wizard to hatch a Basilisk. He was also the first wizard known to successfully create a Horcrux. Accordingly, he must have committed murder to split his soul, though it is unknown who he killed."

"Thank you, Herpo." Harry giggled turning the page titled, "How to Become a Dark Noble."

"There are five steps required to become a Dark Noble.

1. Create a goal(s) that you would like to achieve and create a plan on how to do it.

2. Get follwers loyal to your cause.

3. Attempt to get the Public and/or Creature Groups on your side.

4. Take down anyone in your way.

5. Work towards your goal until you succeed or die trying."

Harry smirked: this seemed easy enough, but life loved making things difficult —but he had always liked a challenge...

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