Chamber Reopened...

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Narrator's POV

Within weeks it became plainly obvious that Lockhart was a crappy professor to every year he taught.

But a certain red-headed Gryffindor girl told her dear friends, Tom and Harry, everything and one day near Halloween they asked her to do something pretty weird.

"Ginny, did you like jokes? ~Harry." The Diary wrote

"Yes, I play them with Fred and George all the time at home." Ginny wrote back

"Well, Tom and I have a idea that pretty funny that you could do all by yourself without your brothers. ~Harry."

"What is it?"

"Kill one of the school chickens and write 'the Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware' on a wall that everyone will see. ~Harry."

"What? Didn't someone die and five people get petrified last time it was opened?"

"The people who got petrified were in on the joke, it was a silly Halloween prank that we played on the teachers using a old school legend. ~Harry. And she died because she took the joke too far, it was an accident on her side. -Tom."

"If you guys say so."

"We know so. -Tom."

"I'll do it, but won't Hagrid notice the chicken missing and what would I do with the corpse afterwards?"

"There are dozens of chickens in the coup, I doubt he'll notice one missing. ~Harry. Just leave it in the kitchen, the house-elves will talk care of it. -Tom."


The next day, the entire school was surprised by a bloody message on the wall.

The next day, the entire school was surprised by a bloody message on the wall

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Boredly looking threw Ginny's things, Ron found a black leather journal near the bottom with the name "Tom Marvolo Riddle" written in gold on the back.

Ron chuckled to himself, "Oooohh, does Ginny have a secret boyfriend. Dean did tell me she seemed to be whoring herself out."

Flipping the diary open to look for anything juicy, he was surprised to find it blank.

Then, scarring Ron half way to death, the diary wrote in itself, "Hi, Ron! Your sister told us so much about you. ~Harry. Greetings, Ronald. -Tom."

Shocked, Ron tentatively opened one of Ginny's inkwells and a quill and wrote, "Hi." he then remembered the message that that been written on the wall, "Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?"

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