Family Reunited...

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Narrator's POV

Since Weasley was gone, Tom turned to Harry -who was standing next to him- and didn't waste time in kissing him.

Eagerly kissing back, they remained like that for several minutes -after all, they had fourteen years to make up for.

And eventually one thing led to another and the two Dark Nobles ended up in bed.


Meanwhile on Platform 9 3/4, Alistair aited for his little sister to get off the train since school had been canceled for the rest of the year.

Quickly finding said sibling, the General had a house-elf he had brought take Anaelle's trunk back home while he took his sister shopping since his parents didn't expect them home for several more hours.

"Al?" Anaelle asked, trying to get her big brother's attention

"Yes, Ellie?" Alistair replied

"Have you ever had a crush on someone before?" She asked

"Yes." He replied

"Who?" Anaelle asked, curious to know who caught her big brother's fancy

"Regulus Black, a Slytherin boy who was in my year. I thought he was cute but I never pursued him. Why?" Alistair asked

"Why didn't you?" Anaelle asked

"All the crazy happened with the Weasley boy and papa right when I was getting the courage to do it and I just focused on helping you and muma instead. I guess I could go after him now if he's unmarried, he is a Death Eater, after all." Alistair answered, "Do you have a crush, sis?"

"Yes." Anaelle blushed

"Who?" Alistair asked, his turn to be curious

"Neville." Anaelle smiled

"The LeStrange boy? Bellatrix and Rodolphus' son?" The elder sibling asked

"Yes. He's really sweet and nice and the Nargels tell me that he's a excellent choice." Anaelle said, a dreamy look in her eyes

"You're only fifteen, Ellie, many fish will cross your path before you choose. If you even want to choose." Alistair replied


Tom kissed Harry again while in bed.

"What are you thinking?" Tom asked, brushing some hair out of Harry's face

"I missed you." Harry replied

"Yeah?" Tom said, pulling away the blanket to get closer to his naked spouse, "Shat are you really thinking?"

Harry giggled, helping him move the blanket, "Fourteen years is too long."

Their lips met again as the bedroom door opened and in came Alistair and Anaelle.

"Hi, muma! Hi papa." Anaelle greeted, making the two males in bed rush to cover themselves

"What are you guys still doing in bed, it's the middle of the afternoon?" Anaelle asked while Alaistar's mouth and eyes  were widened in shock

Harry blushed in embarrassment so Tom answered, "Today's been very stressful and muma needed to rest."

"And he needed to help me rest." Harry answered, his face as red as a Weasley's hair

"Uhhh, Ellie, let's go work on your summer homework. Cause if we want to have fun we got to go do that, right?" Alistair said to Anaelle, trying to get them out while Harry hid his face in shame

"I thought you were going to be back in two more hours." Harry whispered to his son

"Five hours turned out to be three. Next time, please leave a note or give me a warning." Alistair replied, leaving the room with his sister

As the door closed behind Alistair, Tom whispered to Harry, "It's impressive that we can still provide him with a few traumatic childhood memories at this stage of the game."

Harry breathlessly laughed at that and kissed Tom on the cheek.


Lord Voldemort got out of the shower calmly, he dried off his pale skin with the towel and once finished he wrapped it around his waist.

Beginning to walk out of the lavish bathroom, he passed the mirror, where he saw an unusual image.

Doing a double-take, he looked at himself: shocked to see that he was a bald, nose-less creature and his skin was as pale as snow —the only thing he recognized was the blood-red eyes.

The longer he stared into the mirror, the more insane he began to feel.

Gasping, he shot awake in bed.

Sitting up, the watery silk moved down his naked form as he summoned a mirror.

Looking into the mirror in his hand, he was relieved to see his handsome features and not a snake-like face staring back at him.

Calmed down from his nightmare, he laid back down and almost instantly the naked form of Harry rolled into his arms.

Within minutes, Tom fell back into oblivion...

Together, Or Not At All: a Harry X Voldemort|TomWhere stories live. Discover now