First Day...

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Narrator's POV

Soon enough, Harry, Tom, and the other Slytherins made there way into the Great Hall for breakfast.

When they sat down and began to eat from the delicious feast, Hedwig flew in with the magical newspaper, The Daily Prophet.

"Grindelwald Spotted in Romania.

Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald and his Hallows were spotted in Transylvania, Romania on Saturday, August 31, 1938, by a group of witches in a local pub.

It' is believed that Grindelwald is planning to get the Vampire King, Vladimir Sânge, to ally his clan with the Hallows and it is unknown whether or not he was successful in his plan.

We will keep you updated as we know.

Maria Skeeter, Special Correspond to the Daily Prophet."

"Gellert Grindelwald, who's that?" Harry asked Tom, whispering

"From what the paper says he's a Dark Lord," Tom replied, also whispering, "whatever that means."

"We could do some research in the library." Harry suggested, "Once we find out where it is."

"Good idea." Tom complimented

Once they finished with breakfast, the Prefects handed them their schedules.

Once they finished with breakfast, the Prefects handed them their schedules

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