The Diary...

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Narrator's POV

The Dark witches and wizards soon returned to their respective homes once school supply shopping was completed, but back at the Burrow, Ginny was setting up her school trunk: folding her third-hand school robes; a couple of photographs of her family; a few personal items like her favorite Weasley sweater and book; and her Merlin-knows-what-hand First Year school books.

As she was placing her books in, she noticed one that didn't match the others, one that was a plain, black leather book with the name "Tom Marvolo Riddle." written on the back in gold.

Curious, she flipped the book open and after looking through the first dozen pages or so she realized that it was blank.

"I've always wanted a diary." Ginny thought, grabbing a quill and inkwell she hadn't yet packed, "And I don't know who this Tom Riddle is so finders-keepers."

So, Ginny dipped the cheap quill into the black ink and began to write her first diary entry.


Inside the diary, there was copy of the entire castle of Hogwarts and all the land in a three mile radius as of 1943.

Everyone and everything in the castle was frozen in time, only moving if a horcrux messed with it.

But the two horcruxes that lived in the diary were in the copy of the Chamber of Secrets kissing and it looked like things were beginning to become steamy.

But before they could continue, a copy of the diary slammed open —catching their attention— and pages began flipping rapidly to a page where writing began to appear.

Harry got off of Tom's lap and crawled to the few feet away where the diary was, placing it on his lap and reading it aloud.

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As Harry read the diary entry, Tom made his way over to the smaller male, sat down, and pulled said boy onto his lap

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As Harry read the diary entry, Tom made his way over to the smaller male, sat down, and pulled said boy onto his lap.

"It looks like we have some competition, love." Tom said, running his long fingers through Harry's mess of black hair

"And whatever shall we do to remove it?" Harry asked, already having a idea of what Tom's plan was

"This 'Ronald' is the brother of this girl, we use her body to get rid of him and then we use her soul to become solid." Tom informed, his fingers leaving the silky hair and down to his love's chin, gently tilting Harry's face up and kissing him

"And what about our original selves?" Harry asked, momentarily breaking the kiss since he was curious to know Tom's answer would be

"Well, if I was concerned about the magical strength of a Weasley then obviously we are becoming weak. And we'll need to correct that. How? We'll have to see for ourselves before a final decision is made." Tom informed, saying 'weak' like a curse-word, "But for now, we have to focus on gaining Ginerva's trust."

Placing the diary back on Harry's lap, he summoned a inkwell and a quill.

First, he wrote and then he handed the quill to Harry and he too wrote.

First, he wrote and then he handed the quill to Harry and he too wrote

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Back in the Burrow, Ginny was surprised to see her writing disappear and new writing appear in its place.

Back in the Burrow, Ginny was surprised to see her writing disappear and new writing appear in its place

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"How in Merlin's name is this happening? A diary that writes back?" Ginny asked herself, very confused

"Hi, who are you exactly?" Ginny wrote back

"Well, Ginny Tom and I got bored in our Fifth Year at Hogwarts and decided to leave our wisdoms to the younger students who needed help since Hogwarts can be a confusing place so we imprinted ourselves onto his 'journal' (it's sooo a diary). ~Harry. It's a journal, diaries are for feelings, not advice. -Tom." The Diary wrote back, lying to the redhead

Ginny laughed at the teasing and wrote back, quickly deciding that she would be friends with these two boys.


Back inside the diary, Harry kissed Tom's jaw apologetically, "I was just teasing, Tom, I know Slughorn gave you a journal, not a diary. Are you mad at me?"

"I couldn't be mad at you if I tried, sweetheart." Tom replied, soothingly rubbing Harry's back, making Harry smile and nuzzle against him

"I think she's beginning to trust us." Harry said, reading the newest entry

"Yes, she does seem desperate for affection from those she is not related to. It shouldn't take long until we can begin to siphon away her soul." Tom agreed, seeing that Ginny wrote that she had to go to bed now

Writing their farewells, Tom shut the diary and carried Harry bridal-style into the Chamber's bedroom and reminded Harry of exactly how loved he was.


Soon enough September 1st rolled around again and Hogwarts students returned to school.

Ginny —like all Weasleys— was quickly sorted into Gryffindor and as soon as the feast was over told the news to her two friends.

Oh what a gullible girl...

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